Chapter 6-Giant Women (Garnet and Blare's mission)

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Blare's Pov

Ever since Steven's mission I couldn't stop thinking about Garnet. I was currently making a new batch of cookie cats for the freezer. Me and Pearl mutually agreed I would make a two dozen every two months for Steven and Amethyst. However like every other time that no one is in the house when I'm cooking or baking I danced. 

The one time I actually could dance since I refused to fuse with anyone. I smiled moving to my own internal beat as I picked the bowl up and spun on my toes grabbing the spoon to mix the cream with the other ingredients. I danced slowly as I stirred the contents of the bowl, repeating the count of my steps in my head. I closed my eyes getting lost in the dance my mind drifting between my memories of the past and present. 

I could barely process the items I picked up as I danced around the kitchen. The familiar and comforting warmth of my gem filling me with nostalgia as I thought of her. I opened my eyes slightly as I continued to dance the image of her  crystal clear in my mind. I spun into the middle of the room and extended my hand out for my partner. 

I stood in place with my hand extended waiting for my partner, but when I opened my eyes she wasn't there. I felt sadness overcome me and the warm glow of my gem dissipate as I realized that those times were long gone.

 I was brought out of my thoughts by a chorus of applause. I turned to see Garnet clapping with the others standing behind her doing the same.

I quickly became embarrassed as I quickly went to brush my hair back over my gem. I felt myself blush at the attention. "Blare that was great! Could you teach me to dance like that?" Steven asked as he continued to gush about how amazing my dance was. "Blare." I looked up to see Garnet standing just behind Steven. I could fell her stare as I blushed harder. 

How much of that did she see?  Millions of questions swarmed my mind as I looked at her. "Your dance was very lovely." She complemented. I opened my mouth to thank her but the words never formed, so I simply nodded my head in thanks. 

"Does that mean you can fuse like Amethyst and Pearl?" I froze at Steven's question. I turned to look at Steven shaking my head, "No I've never fused with anyone before. It's more of a hobby and a form of self expression." I answered but confusion over took Steven's excited expression.

"How come your  already such a great dancer?" He asked I began to fiddle with my fingers in discomfort. "Steven." Garnet spoke gaining our attention. "Sometimes other gems don't like to fuse, and as fellow gems it's our responsibility to respect that opinion." She said I looked at her in admiration. A warm feeling overcame me at her understanding words. 

Steven nodded his head in understanding a bright grin soon overtaking his features. "Did you bring me anything?" Steven asked with a eager smile  on his face before Garnet placed a rock in his hands, "Thanks Garnet." I laughed silently to myself watching Steven examine the rock. 

"I've located the geode beetles of heaven and earth. We should split up to retrieve them." Garnet suggested with Amethyst and Pearl agreeing that they did want to go together soon after. 

"You three go together. Blare you're coming with me."  Garnet stated I stared at her repeating her words in my head. I smiled and walked beside her. "What! Why?" Pearl and Amethyst asked in unison and I couldn't help but wonder the same thing. As far as they knew I was rarely ever attend missions, which meant that I didn't have much field experience. 

"I can't help but wonder the same thing but for a different reason. Why not pick Amethyst or Pearl to go with you. They have far more field experience than I do," I asked looking up at Garnet with a confused expression. 

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