Chapter 23- Reformed

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A/N: Okay things have been a little hectic lately, so I'll be taking a break from chapter art work. I will however continue to update. Enjoy the new chapter. :)

___The night before_______

3rd person Pov

~Steven's Dream~

It was a lively party within a fancy ballroom. There were two thrones sitting next to each other in the room one was black and the other was white. Everyone looked happy and cheerful. There were tons of different gems within the room.  All different sizes and colors but two tall gems stood out. One was black and the other was white, their attire was more elegant than the others. Both gems seemed to be royalty among the others. They both had big smiles on their faces. The two seemed very different but they were very close like siblings.  The two were talking to each other. The white figure seemed embarrassed by whatever the black gem had said. 

The black gem smirked at the white gem before clapping his hands, gaining everyone's attention. "Good evening everyone!  I know everyone is super excited and I'm sure you're all aware of why were here already, but let's not forget the beautiful gem that made it happen. Let's give it up for my sister the radiant W---!"  He cheered the last thing he said unclear. Everyone cheered in response making the white gem's blush deepen. 

The black gem laughed at her reaction grabbing her hands. "Don't be so shy W--" He said his last words still unclear. "Come on everyone!" He encouraged spinning with the white gem. Their gems began to glow. The white gems glowing a heavenly white light, while the black gem glowed every color in the rainbow, but then everything turned black. 

"I will always be by your side. May we always...remain united..."


Steven woke up slightly confused by the dream before going back to sleep. He thought nothing of the dream. It was just another weird and random dream.


Blare's Pov 

It's only been a couple days since Garnet and I became partners. Things have been going rather smoothly. We were currently enjoying each others company. I liked that our relationship wasn't similar to the start of relationships on tv. It was more relaxed our dynamic hadn't changed so far, the same as always. However now we share the connection of knowing that we care for each other as more than friends. "What are you thinking about?" I opened my eyes to see Garnet standing over me. 

"Nothing really I was just enjoying the comfortable silence, and enjoying the fact that my feelings are returned by you." I answered sitting up.  She smiled sitting next to me. It was an enjoyable silence. By far the most serene moment I've felt in a long time. The feeling of her hands softly stroking my hair and the sizzling of the lava. I could feel what Steven described sleep was taking over. 

That is until we heard a weird noise. I sighed upset that our peace was interrupted. We walked out of Garnet's room to the upper levels of the temple. The noise became louder as we approached the hallway leading to Pearl's room. We stooped at the entrance of her room. Garnet and I made eye contact nodding to each other, before summoning our weapons.  We quietly walked into  Pearl's room. We looked around until we spotted what looked to be the corrupt gem we had been looking for. 

As we got closer it seemed to sense our presence.  Garnet lunged to get it but it slipped away. I ran after it hopping to catch it before it ran into the halls. I threw my sword missing by an inch. "It got away." I said walking in the hall to see a tunnel. "The good thing is it's confined, which means we can catch it." Garnet said standing behind me. I stepped back before motioning to the hole. "Ladies first." I said she smiled at my joke before jumping in. I jumped in after her landing in Amethyst's room.

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