Chapter 10-Coach Steven

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"Woah What magical place of mysteries is this?" Steven asked. We had just arrived at the communication hub.  Pearl  as per usual was on a rant about the communication hub, and Steven didn't understand a thing she was saying. "What's that mean?" 

"It's hurting television." Garnet answered.  "Noooo! Don't worry I'll save you television!" Steven yelled. Trying to destroy the tower by himself. "It' going to take a little more than that Steven. "Blare's right we need a Steven at least this strong for this job." Amethyst said shapeshifting into Steven. "It's all the me I could be." Steven said with a big smile.

"Amethyst we could be hear all day taking these pillars out individually." Pearl said and she had that look on her face again. "I hate it when your right you get this look on your face. Yeah that's the one." Amethyst said frowning at Pearl. "What we need is a well thought out plan!" Pearl said with s smug look on her face. 

"Pearl we don't need a plan for everything." I said leaning against one of the pillars."What we need is Sugilite. Amethyst fuse with me." Garnet said. I quickly got up "Garnet..." I whispered.  "What!?"  Amethyst ran around cheering Steven joining her not long after. I was still trying to get over the shock. "Wait! garnet think about this you and Amethyst can be a little...unstable when your personalities combine. We need to careful fuse with me instead." Pearl begged.

"We don't need to be careful we just need to be huge." Garnet said be fore walking away. "Oh yeah lets wreak this joint!" Amethyst cheered. I stood next to Steven frowning at the idea. If only that could be me, but sadly I can't risk it. I all ready don't have a lot of control over this form anyway.  I found myself being extremely jealous of Amethyst. She doesn't even know how luck she is. to have the freedom to openly fuse without having to worry about losing control. 

I watched as Garnet danced her moves were confident, and she seemed completely comfortable and sure of herself. It looked like so much fun something more than a fusion for power. I'd be luck if I ever got to experience anything like what the crystal gems had. A fusion forged with absolute trust and care in one another. 

The two fused into a giant purple gem. "I forgot how great it is to be me." She said stretching. "That's Sugilite!" Steven said looking up at the massive fusion. "You got it baby. Hey Steven you wanna see something cool?" She asked. Steven was super excited seeing their weapon fawning over her display of power. "Ya like that little man." She said looking down at us. "Are you going to smash stuff with your wreaking ball thingy?" Steven asked in excitement further fueling her bravado. 

Steven fully immersed in the fusion pointed to which pillar she should destroy, but like the last time I saw her she was completely reckless swinging her weapon haphazardly. "Steven I think we should go?" Pearl said I couldn't agree more things were getting out of hand really quickly.  "No way this is awesome." Steven protested. "Steven this is no time to argue. We have to leave now." I said my expression leaving a sense of finality. 

"Blare watch out!" I turned to see a rock coming my way. I rolled to the side to avoid it. "Thanks Pearl." I said watching for any more debris. "Watch it!" Pearl yelled at the Sugilite kicking a piece of the pillar out of the way. I caught the other pieces, but a small piece hit Steven in the head. "Steven!" Me and Pearl yelled. "That's it were leaving now! Your so reckless you over grown brute!" I yelled frustrated by the fusion. "Ugh your just too much!" Pearl yelled equally frustrated with Sugilite.

"Maybe your just too little." She replied before she continued her rampage. "Steven we're going." Pearl said picking him up and walking towards the warp-pad. "What! I'm fine." Steven protested. "Steven you have no room to argue here we're leaving right now." I reinforced stepping on the warp-pad.  "What about Sugilite?" Steven asked. "She can find her own way home." Me and Pearl answered activating the warp-pad. 

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