Chapter 60-Know Your Fusion

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Things had finally begun to settle within the home of the Crystal Gems with Black Diamond's return. But that didn't mean that things weren't a little tense at first.


Everyone was currently seated in the living room staring in complete silence. No one knew how to start the conversation. Pearl had many questions that she wanted to ask. Questions that could be voiced out loud and others that would stay with her for eternity. Amethyst was brimming with questions, and she didn't know where to start. Steven was hoping that Blar-Black Diamond could tell him more about Homeworld, or even help him understand more about Gems. He had to know something that the Crystal Gems didn't being a Diamond, right? Garnet though relieved that Black Diamond was okay didn't know what she wanted to say.

Black on the other hand was ready for any question they would throw at him, or at least he would like to think he was. There was so much he didn't want to say. However, It was far too late for that. So, he stared at his hands that grasped at his legs silently. The shame burning within him.

The tension in the room was nearly suffocating as the silence persisted. Steven opened his mouth to break it, but Amethyst beat him to the punch. "So, you're Black Diamond?" She yelled. The gem in question looked up nodding answering with a soft, "Yes, I am Black Diamond." If possible, the confirmation of this fact made the room feel even more uncomfortable. "You've been living with us all this time." Pearl finally spoke trying to keep some of the relief out of her voice. Rose had always worried about Black Diamond after he was detained. It was something Pearl knew she deeply regretted. Pearl only wished that she could have known that he was with them in the end.

Garnet clenched her fist turning to look Black Diamond in the eyes. "Was it all a lie?" His eyes widened at the implications of her question. "No! You all mean so much to me! Everything I've ever done or said to you all is true!" Black defended. Steven sighed feeling some of the pressure lifted off his shoulders. It was nice to know that Black Diamond did care for them.

"Then why did you lie to us all these years?" Garnet asked next. Black Diamond scoffed but quickly covered his mouth after the unconscious response. "I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to happen, but when I escaped to Earth, I wasn't expecting to run into any gems. I was certain that all gems that remained on Earth had been destroyed or at the very least corrupted like the ones I ran into in my time alone. Running into actual members of the rebellion was not what I expected. If I'm being entirely honest, I was terrified at what would happen if you all found out." He explained. "If I had been upfront with you... could you guarantee that I wouldn't be sitting in a bubble somewhere within the temple for the next millennia or more?"

Garnet said nothing still grasping at the idea that Blare the small gem that she had come to love was actually Black Diamond, a former ruler of Homeworld. Everything about him was so different. His hair was much longer, and his skin was much darker. His pupils were shaped like diamonds leaving no room for doubt about what cut of gem he was. His voice was much deeper, but it still held the soft and gentle tone that she knew and loved. He was so different but the same gem all at once.

Black didn't exactly know what to say. He knew they most likely had a tone of questions. However, he didn't want to answer them any more. All the staring, underlying questions, and his own worries were beginning to way down on him. "I don't expect things to go back to normal after all of this. All I ask is that you give me a chance." He said standing to his feet. The gems watched as he walked to the door. "I really do care for you all." He smiled "Goodnight, Steven." He said the smile never leaving his face as he nodded as a silent goodbye to Amethyst and Pearl. Noticeably lingering when he nodded to Garnet the soft smile on his face widening ever so slightly. With that, he proceeded to walk out the door his coat trailing behind him as he disappeared down the stairs.

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