Chapter 8-Steven the Sword Fighter

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A/N: In response to a message I received I won't be releasing any drawings of Blare's Diamond form until later. The most that will be shown are silhouettes. Thanks for reading! Please tell me what you think of the new chapter. :)

P.S. Episode request are still open 


Blare's Pov

Today was on of the rare rainy days in Beach city, which sadly landed on a day that we were spending time with Steven. The move was okay though their sword fighting was rather disappointing. 

"Oh come on this is ridiculous. Just look at their form this is nothing like real sword fighting." Pearl criticized but she was quickly shushed by the others.

"Well if you ever want to see a demonstration of proper sword techniques I'd be happy to show you." Pearl said immediately grabbing Steven's attention. 

___Small Time Skip___

"Alright to give a proper demonstration I'm going to need a sparing partner. " Pearl said  analyzing the blades in her hands. Steven attempted to raise his hand but Garnet gently put his hand back down. "I'll help you." I said everyone's eyes quickly shifted to me.

"Well than let's get started," Pearl said looking at me with slight uncertainty before passing me the sword.  Walked in front of Pearl  admiring the blade in may hand before taking my stance.

Garnet's Pov

I was slightly concerned when Blare volunteered to help Pearl with her demonstration. We had never really seen fight before. He had always kept his gem and weapon a secret for as long as he's been around. The first time we ever saw his weapon was when he summoned it out of frustration two days ago, but he seemed to be very confidant in his decision.  

He easily caught the blade before going to stand in front of Pearl. He looked at the blade with a sense of nostalgia before taking his stance. His blade was at eye level and his gaze hardened as he focused on his opponent. 

"I hope your ready Pearl.  Despite my absence in combat you'll find that I'm still a challenging opponent," He said with a slight smile on his face. "Well then let this battle determine our skill," Pearl replied taking her own stance her feet pointed as if she were going to start dancing. I looked back at Blare his stance was  relaxed and his feet pointed much like Pearl. 

"Nerds!" Amethyst cried Steven and I quickly shushing her before turning back to the two. 

The two stood fore a while before Blare charged forward, his sword colliding with Pearl's with immense force.  The shock wave pushed Steven back and blew my hair, but I remained focus on the pair. Blare moved with immense grace parrying Pearls strikes with equal speed. His hair shifted ever so slightly revealing part of a black gem on his forehead. He wasn't as timid or even delicate as he appeared as he continued to battle against Pearl. 

He swung at her midsection but Pearl avoid his attack jumping above his attack. The two continued to parry until their swords met. "Impressive form Blare I didn't know you were so skilled." Pearl complemented holding her stance. "Why thank you Pearl it's good to know I haven't loss my touch after so long. We should do this more often." Blare replied.

"Go Pearl! GO!" Steven cheered enjoying the battle.

"Go Blare!" Amethyst cheered Pearl looked over at Amethyst for a second. Losing focus Blare's eyes narrowed slightly as he swiftly knocked Pearl's blade out of her hand. He caught the blade and pointed one at her gem and the other her chest.  

Pearl's Pov

I stared into Blare's eyes that were still narrowed. Where did he learn to do all of this? It couldn't have been from us or Rose he's never  fought with us once. He's never summoned his weapon or showed us his gem. I thought old suspicions resurfacing as we continued to stare at each other. 

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