Chapter 48-Monster Reunion

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A/N: There isn't a lot of Black Diamond in this chapter. He is referenced in this chapter and appears once. This chapter is mainly to reflect with a few of the characters.


Q and A


Black Diamond (Blare)


??? (Revealed in chapter 50)


3rd Person Pov

Things had gone back to a somewhat normal state in the home of the Crystal Gems. Pearl was still Pearl even though every now and then her thoughts would wander to the presence of her second favorite Diamond. Amethyst was still Amethyst even though now the fridge was filled with less food.

Ruby and Sapphire fused again after gaining a mutual understanding of their feelings towards Black Diamond, yet the effects of his absence took their toll. Steven was still Steven, but he missed waking up in the morning to have breakfast with Blare and spending time with him. After all he was the one gem that had the most time to spend with him

The emptiness from Blar-Black Diamond's presence was very apparent, but life went on even though he wasn't there. They group was still trying to wrap their head around the idea of Blare. The sweet yet bashful sapphire being an all-powerful Homeworld patriarch, but none the less things were as normal as they could be, for now.


"Oh no, Mc Bear Bear you've got a tear tear. I should have been more careful. We've lost to many good bears. Blare isn't here to fix you up, but don't worry. You're hurt but I'll look, but I'll look after you." Steven reassured his bear before kissing the top of its head, but then a familiar sparkle over took the bear.

Steven gasped as he watched the bear mend itself. Carefully setting the bear on his bed, Steven dashed down the stairs. "Guys! Guys" Steven called to get their attention. The gems looked up as he made his way to them.

"What's up little Ste-cup?" Amethyst asked. Pearl smiled watching Steven run up to them. "We were just about to put away the dishes." Pearl informed him, but Steven ignored her grabbing the plate from her hands. "Look what I can do!" Steven cheered throwing the plate on the floor.

Pearl looked at him with a horrified expression. Amethyst on the other hand was excited, and Garnet just watched the scene play out. "Alright it's a Ste-Party!" Amethyst cheered. "What is the meaning of this?" Pearl asked.

"My healing spit is back. I fixed a rip on Mc Bear Bear. Here I'll show you." Steven smiled licking his hand. Pearl began to panic, "Fine! Fine, I believe you! I don't want you touching a broken plate! I'll find a broom." Amethyst was excited thinking of all the stuff she could break.

"I'll find some more stuff to break." Amethyst said, running off. Pearl turned to her in absolute panic. She missed having Black Diamond to help her control the chaos. "No! Amethyst!" Pearl called running after the chaotic gem.

"Now that my healing spit is back. Maybe I can finally..." Steven trailed off. "No!" Garnet stated. Steven frowned looking up at her. "But I didn't even ask anything yet." Steven whined.

"With my future vison I can see you're going to ask if you can use your power to heal one of the monsters in the bubble room." Garnet answered. "Can you see if I'll get you to change your mind?" Steven asked with a hopeful gleam in his eyes. Garnet just stared at him trying to steel her resolve, but Steven pulled out his secret weapon.

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