Chapter 17-Marble Madness

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Blare's Pov

After last nights events I felt terrible. I shouldn't have left Garnet like that, but I was scared I let myself go and I almost made a huge mistake. The thought of that moment when we started to fuse makes me so happy. If I had just gone through with it maybe everything would have worked out. I sighed walking back into the house. It was like I never left the gems were all sitting in the house. Conversing with but now they were looking at me. I looked away slowly walking forward. Maybe she'll understand. Maybe she's not mad at me for leaving like that. Maybe- "Blare." I looked up realizing I was right where I wanted to be.

Garnet was looking at me her expression unreadable. "Garnet...I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you like that on the beach. I was just so entranced by the moment, and when I realized that we were fusing I got scared. And I-" "You weren't ready I understand." I was shocked she wasn't made that I left so suddenly. She took both of my hands in her own. She smiled at me her visor gone so that I could look into her eyes. "We both had fun and got a little carried away, and you're welcome." She said but her last sentence confused me.

She laughed at my expression before saying, "Amethyst told me that you originally planned to say thank you to me after the dance. But it seems like it became a little more than that." She said with her eyes half lidded with a smirk on her face. I stepped back blushing at the memory of how close we were last night. "Thank you for understanding and not getting mad. I didn't mean for that to happen, but none the less I had fun." I said she nodded in agreement her visor re-materializing.

I turned to greet the others but then a loud splash could be heard outside. We all ran out of the house looking to see what it was. "What was that?" Amethyst asked and suddenly a giant robonoid rose from the ocean. Garnet and I immediately rush into action. Garnet held it back while I grabbed Steven and Connie. I jumped back to get them away from the robonoid. "Amethyst! Pearl!" Garnet yelled as the two smashed it. I opened my eyes to see Steven's pink bubble.

"Thank you Steven I see you been getting better." I complimented. "Oh yeah thanks Blare." Steven said smiling before he turned to ask Connie if she was okay. to which she replied, "I love hanging out at your place." I laughed at the two "Pearl do you think this was-" "one of Peridot's machines? Yes, I think so but we've never seen one this big before." I kept my mouth shut about the Era 2 tech not wanting to reveal how much I knew. I walked up to Garnet; she was inspecting the broken pieces of the robonoid. "So what do you think it was here to do?" Steven asked.

"We destroyed it that's all that matters." Garnet answered before Amethyst ran and hugged her getting the goop on her. Pearl walked up very displease that she was hugged too. I stepped back slightly but I was quickly swooped up into the goop hug.


Steven was reading the books Connie got him, while I made lunch. I was making sandwiches today more specifically a BLT. I took my knife out of the drawer, and grabbed the bacon, lettuce, and tomato from the fridge setting it next to the bread. I began to cook the bacon when a boom shook the room. "Something entered the atmosphere!" I heard Garnet yell as they all ran out of the temple. They ran out to see where it landed before racing back to the warp-pad. I quickly took off my apron and stood next to them.

We warped to Mask Island to see it walking around. "Is it looking for a warp?" Pearl asked but she got no answer. "We have to stop it!" Garnet yelled before the broke this one too. Goop flew everywhere I frowned wiping it of my face. I walked back to the warp-pad to go back home.

______time skip____

It seems like these things are never ending. They just kept showing up one after the other. I got to the point where now I only went to. They were definitely taking a toll on Steven's eating schedule. Me and Steven had warped to the desert after the gems. When we arrived they were struggling to break it. Steven ran to them asking them how many more they were going to fight. "We don't know. They just keep coming and coming and we don't even know what they are! We don't know anything." Pearl yelled exasperated by the situation.

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