Chapter 12- Ocean Gem

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Blare's Pov

I need colors but the only way I can do that without drawing suspicion would be the corrupted gems in the temple. I had been thinking of ways to better stabilize my form since I didn't have the colored light of the other diamonds to sate my need for color. Just one of the reasons I was considered weak to them. I was to dependent on the light of others, and I couldn't produce colored light like everyone else. I sighed walking back into the house. 

"Yes you're grounded." Oh man their talking about Steven's punishment. "You disobeyed and order." Garnet said. "Now we're going to bury you in the ground till you've learned your lesson." Amethyst said holding a shovel. I sighed sitting on the couch. Things have been pretty tense between me and the gems, since my outburst yesterday.  I couldn't get over the fact that they were so willing to bubble unknown gems, and they couldn't look me in the eye since they apparently considered it when I showed up.

"You better come check this out." I looked towards the door to see Greg I frowned slightly. "What's wrong?" I asked "It's the ocean." I instantly stood up and followed him out the door. Evidently he was right the whole ocean was gone. Is so bad that if I told anyone that didn't live here there was an ocean they would laugh in disbelief.

"The ocean!" Steven screamed. "Hey it's those magical ladies. What's going on here?" I frowned at the Mayor's comment. "Once again I've been mistaken for a woman." I whispered to myself. "The ocean's gone obviously." Garnet answered dully. "That's right now it's just a desert no one want's to take a vacation to Desert City." I rolled my eyes as everyone began complaining about the loss of the ocean.  "As Mayor I demand you explain-" He didn't get to finish his sentence because Garnet slapped the megaphone in the air. 

"I'm sorry to say this but you're not in the position to demand anything from us." I said glaring at the man. "It was Lapis Lazuli." Garnet answered. "Lapis Lazuli?" Steve said slightly confused. "The gem you released from the mirror." Pearl said showing an image of her. "But she's a gem just like us." Steven said. "There's a lot of things you don't know about gems." Pearl said. "As much as I disagree with just bubbling her. We cannot allow her to leave." I said the other gems looked at me.


"I'm leaving to fix what I did to our home. I was the one that let Lapis free from the mirror. Now it's my fault the ocean's gone. I'm going to bring the ocean back or get really thirsty trying.  " Steven stated with a forlorn expression. "Wait up kiddo I'm coming with you." Greg said. "You're going to need a little more than your backpack to help you." I said standing next to Greg. "I wanna help too." Connie said Lion joining in after her. 

"Clearly we're coming too." Pearl said with a smirk on her face. "You're ungrounded by the way." Garnet said smiling at him. "ROAD TRIP!" Amethyst cheered. 


After packing a few necessities for Steven and Connie we left to find Lapis. I sat on the top of the van, while the other gems sat in the car with Greg. Steven and Connie stayed close riding Lion. I watched the two enjoying the breeze. It felt nice on my gem this is definitely something I could get use to. Suddenly the van door opened and Garnet rolled out. I stared in shock but instantly understood when one of Greg's old albums was playing.

We stopped and readjusted our seating. Garnet was sitting with me on the roof of the car and Pearl was driving now. I sat down awkwardly avoiding I contact with Garnet. "I'm sorry." I turned to look at her shocked.  "You were right we should have handled the situation differently. It could have lead to a different outcome. When you appeared after the war we were hesitant. The diamonds had just attacked corrupting most of the rebellion." As she spoke she looked relaxed but I could hear the sadness and sincerity of her words.

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