Chapter 18-The Message

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Blare's Pov 

Recently been teaching the gem what I know about Era 2 tech. They can't quite grasp some of the concepts but for now this is goof. On the bright side things have been getting pretty great between me and Garnet and I couldn't be happier. I'm not quite ready to tell her how I feel, but I'm have a good feeling that she shares my feelings. I just hopes it works out when I do tell her how I feel.  

Right know we were trying to develop a plan for when Peridot came back, but so far we have nothing. "I'm not sure what security measures they take, but I do know that they will come. The report of Gems still being present on Earth will no doubt spark a reaction." I said. "If only we knew when they were coming. It would make preparations a lot easier." Pearl said we all nodded in agreement. "If were lucky they won't start another gem war." Garnet said. 

It was silent for a moment until a loud sound rang through the room. We quickly looked for the source of the sound. When we located the source we saw the Wailing Stone? Garnet picked it up bringing it into the living room. We all covered our ears wondering how we could stop the sound emanating from it.  "What's happening?" Steven asked yelling over the unsettling sound. "It's the wailing Stone!" Pearl yelled "Make it stop!" Amethyst cried. 

"It just activated on it's own!" Pearl commented Garnet set it down pushing the button. It stopped for a second but then it turned back on. "Stand back!" Pearl said bubbling the stone. "It worked no we can." The silence was short lived when the bubble popped. Steven then tried by sticking his hand in it, but the sound just projected through his mouth. 

Garnet walked over and separated him from the wailing stone. She then quickly stuffed and surrounded it with  pillows from the couch. "I don't understand that thing has laid dormant since we found it." Garnet said. "Where the only beings on Earth that know how to use the wailing stone, and I doubt it could be Peridot since Homeworld has advanced so much." I commented. "I haven't heard a wailing stone activate since we used them for the rebellion, and I've never heard one sound like that." Pearl said gesturing to the wailing stone.

"Some one is trying to send us a message. "But who? We've rounded up all the wailing stones on Earth. We aren't sending this message to ourselves. Unless...Amethyst is this a prank!" Pearl yelled. "No way I want it to stop I don't like it!" Amethyst yelled.  "If it's not coming from Earth then a gem must be sending it from space." Garnet said. "Is that what some gems sound like?" "No no we should be hearing a voice maybe the signal is to advanced for the wailing stone to process. That would explain the distorted audio."  Pearl said.

"Audio my daddio knows audio." Steven cheered but the feeling wasn't mutual. Pearl and Amethyst were quick to express their concerns, until Garnet convinced them to try it.


"I can't believe it you need help with sound stuff. You've come to the right guy." Greg said getting to work. I closed my eyes and covered my ears in a weak attempt to prepare myself for the ghastly noise, but sadly it didn't help but to  my relief he covered it fast. The feeling was short when it played through the audio device. After a while it bean to sound like music. As he continued to work with it it started to sound like a voice, but his car couldn't take it. 

"What's happening where's the signal? I had a feeling this wouldn't work. There just no way Greg's equipment can interface with our ancient gem technology." Pearl said. "You could at least say thank you Pearl. It's better than anything we've tried at least Greg got somewhere with it." I said she looked with irritation. Honestly I can't stand the way she talks about gem tech, like it's untouchable in comparison to Earth tech. 

The gems left taking the wailing stone with them. "It's okay Greg you did better than we ever could." I said attempting to comfort him.  "I really blew it huh?" Greg asked before sing his frustrations away. It was very moving, and I found myself swaying to the sad tune. "Dad I hate seeing you like this their has to be something we can try." Steven said. 

"I don't know Steven sound and stuff like this, that's my whole world if I can't figure this out maybe it just isn't sound." Greg said and it instantly made sense. "That's it! I can't believe I didn't think of it before! I literally said it before we came out here!" I yelled. "What is it Blare?" Steven asked excited that I thought of something. I smiled gently grabbing his shoulders and turning him towards the van. He looked around for a second thinking about what it could be, but then his eyes landed on the TV. 

We both turned to Greg with a smiles on our faces. "What if it's-" Steven and I said pointing to our eyes. It took a minute but then Greg got the concept. "Oh my days it's video." Greg said. "We have to tell the gems! Video!" Steven cheered rushing to the house with Greg right behind him. I set Greg's audio equipment closer to the van for when they came back.  Moment's after the group came out. 

"Alright take two." I joked "Garnet we'll need you to power up Greg's van. Amethyst get in the van so we can make sure it works." Pearl said hocking up the jumper cables and handing her the other end. "Go for it Garnet." Pearl said. Garnet sent the charge to the van, and Amethyst started the van. "The batteries ready to go." Pearl said. "The wailing stone's ready." Steven said. 

Greg began to work with the wailing stone again. We watched the small TV screen in anticipation. "Is that it." Pearl said getting disappointed even though he just started. Greg continued to work and color appeared, until Lapis appeared on the screen. "Steven." Lapis said her voice urgent. I already had a bad feeling about this. 

"I hope you're able to hear this. There's a gem looking for you she even knew your name. I don't know how I didn't tell her I swear. She 's on her way to Earth and she's not alone." Lapis said. Who are they sending. They won't send Peridot alone so it has to be a quartz soldier   "Steven Homeworld it's not the way it use to be. Everything here is so advanced. I can't even understand. There's no way anything on Earth that can stand up to it. Please don't put up a fight it will only leave to devastation." She begged before the transmission ended. 

Amethyst and Pearl began to panic, but I was to lost in my own thoughts. This is all my fault I should have escaped sooner. If I had just fought all little harder. Maybe it wouldn't have been this bad. "We did it." I turned to look at Garnet in shock. "How are you okay with this. We just received a warning message." I said but she didn't seem phased. "What!" Pearl yelled "We got the message." Garnet said. "But-" "It's got." Garnet said silencing any further complaints. 

 She held her hand out  to Greg, which he took with a sense of pride. "Thank you Greg we would not have received this message without your help." Garnet said  "You-you're welcome." Greg said still trying to get over the shock of the situation. I looked up to the sky. All we can do now is wait, and hope we're prepared to face them. 

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