Chapter 11- Mirror Gem

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Blare's Pov

I was enjoying the lava within the temple trying to relax. Things have started to get pretty rough for me. My form is becoming less and less stable especially when I experience intense negative emotions. "What am I going to do I need to find-" "BLARE!" I jumped hearing Steven's voice. I ran through the open temple door. "Steven what's wrong?" I yelled looking around the room frantically for the cause of his distress.

"Blare I just got off the phone with Connie and she told me about this thing called school. Could you help get some things so I can try it?" I blinked trying to process what was happening. After along pause I recollected myself. "Steven what did I tell you about screaming like that?" I asked with a polite smile. He looked down realizing his mistake before answering, "Sorry Blare I just got really excited and I really wanted to share the idea with you." I ruffled his hair causing him to laugh. 

"Okay I'll help you but let me go get Pearl." I said walking back into the temple.


 We had just finished grabbing everything Steven needed fro his school. "Yup it's all coming together." Steven approved as we set the last things in the pile. "So how do we start our school?" Pearl asked "Um I don't know this is everything Connie told me. Why don't I every ask follow up questions who's going to teach little Stevey now." Pearl instantly got excited pulling a gem powered mirror out of her gem. 

I shivered at the memory of gem powered objects. The way she was demanding it to show her something didn't make it any better, but school was evidently canceled much to Steven's delight. "Come on Blare schools out!" He yelled running out the house. "I'm coming Steven!" I yelled back following him out the door.  

By the time I caught up with Steven he had ran into Lars, much to his displeasure. "Steven be careful I know your excited but you still have to be mindful of your surroundings and other people. Sorry about that Lars." I lectured before apologizing on his behalf. "Sorry I'm just excited for summer! Are you excited for summer? I'm so excited for summer." Me and Sadie laughed at his enthusiasm. "I think I'm as excited as I can get setting up more seating for the new summer rush, but Lars has big plans." She said giving Lars a look.

"You bet I am! All of those out of town summer babes traveling around without their boyfriends. If you know what I mean." He said nudging me with a smirk on my face. I blushed slightly think back on the beach party we had a couple days ago. More specifically that fitting beach outfit Garnet was wearing. I nodded in response to Lar's implication but for different reasons. 

"Nope." Steven replied with an innocent look, while Lars imagined all of the possibilities. Steven then left walking backwards to find a beach buddy. "Bye Sadie! Bye Lars tell me if you find any hot babes!" I yelled before following Steven.  I laughed at his antics as he laughed not noticing the Mayors wonderfully decorated truck. "Watch where your going you little-" I froze looking at Steven. 

I blinked trying to wrap my head around what just happened. Steven looked at the mirror then it replayed Steven laughing. I stepped back slightly something didn't feel right. "Um Steven I'll catch up with you later." I said he hugged me before leaving to watch the mayors speech with the... mirror in hand. 

______small time skip_____

Steven's Pov

After having fun with the mirror during the mayors speech. I decided to stay on the beach and continue to talk to it. I laughed as it continued to repeat the fart joke from earlier. "You got a lot of millage out of that joke. Your pretty funny for a mirror." I said hand it repeated it. "I'm not a mirror." I said laughing. "Your pretty funny for a... Steven." I smiled at excited that it did something new. "You made something new! Say something else." I cheered. 

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