Chapter 4-Together Breakfast

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A/N: Image Disclaimer this is a redrawn image of a scene in this episode. The only part of this image that I own is Black Diamond/Blare. All other parts of this image belong to Rebecca Sugar.

Blare's Pov

I can't go out there not after what happened last week. I sighed feeling my form glitch slightly due to the combined stress of my anxiety and maintaining this form. I closed my eyes feeling my form shift back to its original state. I looked up at the black wall, the specs of white scattered in a star like pattern. Each one taunting and reminding me of my life on Homeworld, and the reason that I so desperately tried to escape. I closed my eyes focusing on my form and shifting back to the Black Sapphire, Blare.

"They couldn't have seen me; they would have said something by now," I whispered to myself before walking to the temple door. I can't stay here forever.

Steven's Pov

"That thing is to good for me to eat alone it's a...Together Breakfast!" I said at that moment the temple door turned into a black mist and Blare stepped through. "Good morning Steven," He smiled. I returned his smile grabbing the plate off the counter. "Behold my latest creation! Together breakfast! I'm glad you came out of the temple now I just need to get the other gems. " I cheered.

Blare covered his mouth, his shoulders shaking slightly before he started laughing. "Steven, it looks wonderful, your creativity never ends does it," He walks over and takes the plate from my hand inspecting it. "I must say that is quite the dish you have prepared five stars." I laughed at his proper tone and serious expression.

"Why thank you we only serve the best at Steven's" I replied mimicking his proper tone.We both made contact before we both started laughing again. "Alright let me get the forks for this amazing meal," Blare said walking into the kitchen. The warp-pad activating revealing Garnet my smile widened, "Perfect! Check it out it's not exactly healthy but it's in a stack so I guess you could say it's a balanced breakfast," I said making a funny face.

Garnet's face never changed. "Good one Steven," I smiled "Thanks Blare. I made us all breakfast. I thought we could eat together like best buds." I continued but Garnet's expression stayed the same, "I can't stay there's business to attend to inside the temple." Garnet answered walking towards the temple door opening it with her gem.

"Aww business like what?" I wondered why one of the gems was leaving this time. "I have to burn this," I stared at the image taking a picture of it with my phone. "Cool!" I smiled looking at the image on my phone, before Garnet took it out of my hands, "I have to burn this too." I panicked running to the door as it closed behind Garnet. "No my apps."

I tried to open the door with my gem but it didn't work. I sighed walking back to the kitchen sitting next to Blare. "If it makes you feel better me and Pearl still have a backup phone." Blare said rubbing my back.

"DUMB POLICE! Ahh your dumb." I jumped in front of the plate taking the shot. "Ahhh man I totally got you." Amethyst said laughing. "Amethyst you almost ruined Steven's Together Breakfast." Blare walked up to Amethyst frowning.

"Aww lighten up Blare I'm just trying to have some fun." She whined before spraying Blare with the water gun. "Amethyst stop it!" Blare yelled, running away with Amethyst right behind him. "Come on Blare admit it! That was funny!" Amethyst yelled spraying Blare as he huddled up in the corner," Come on- Hey that's my door!" Amethyst yelled looking at the temple door as Pearl walked out.

I ran over to Blare as he squeezed water out of his hair. "Hey Blare come on now that Pearl and Amethyst are here we just have to find Garnet." I said holding my hand out to him. "Alright then let's make this breakfast happen," He said, taking my hand I pulled him up. We both turned just as Amethyst ran into the temple.

Black DiamondTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang