Chapter 46- Forged Connection (part 1)

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A/N: Hello everyone we're four chapters away from the 50th Chapter! Yay! So, in light of this achievement from an idea I got from a fan, I'll be doing a Q and A, and some of you have already started asking questions. It will be posted after the 50th chapter of the story.

You may direct your questions to me as the Author, Black Diamond, Moonstone, or a future character that will be revealed in chapter 50. (Sorry no Spoilers to their identity)

Please send in your questions via private message or the comment bubble of the section before each chapter at any time (Including the 50th Chapter upon the reveal of the new character). When you send me your questions please write either at the bottom or the top who the question is directed to.

Please send questions even if you think it's a silly question it might have a concrete answer. I would be so happy if I at least got five questions. Also upon making this statement please keep your questions appropriate and if it's of a more adventurous category please send it privately, and I will answer you personally (or not at all). The age range for this story is pretty big and I would like for everyone to be able to read the questions and responses.

I will be doing art for the Q and A, so please send in your questions as soon as possible and my favorites will have art in response to them. (The new character may be an exception to this rule)

Thanks for staying with me this long! :)


Black's Pov

"Garnet..." I whispered slowly opening my eyes. "You're finally awake?" A rough voice said. I looked up seeing an orange blur of colors. As I continued blinking everything started to come into focus. "Jasper?" I sat up looking at the quartz soldier. Her narrowed judging eyes challenging my own.

We stared at each other neither of us looking away for different reasons. I knew if I looked away it was a sign of weakness and it would weaken my authority over her in her eyes, and if I had to guess Jasper was looking for something that told her I was still a Diamond. Considering the state I'm in I wouldn't blame her for being skeptical of me.

There was a silence between us until Jasper started laughing. I frowned confused by her sudden outburst. "You haven't lost yourself in this worthless planet." She said, spitting out the word planet as if it were poison. "I see." I commented shortly. I didn't know what to say Jasper and I weren't close. She was a quartz soldier created to fight and take order, and I was an ex-patriarch of Homeworld.

I don't think I can handle her...not like this. I'm not ready. Garnet...I....I'm not ready. "Thank you." I looked up, thrown off by what she said. "What?" I asked not sure if I heard her correctly. "Thank you, for helping after Malachite. I'm not sure what happened after we unfused, but I know that you helped me." She repeated. Her hands clenched into a tight fist and her face showing nothing but disappointment.

She was upset with herself. "It's okay to show weakness." I reassured her. She shrugged my hand off her shoulder turning to face me. "No. I am a quartz soldier. I am not supposed to be weak. I am to serve the Diamonds with every fiber of my being and more. Weakness is a sign of defectiveness." Jasper answered. Her eyes held a burning passion, and that made me feel guilty.

She believed everything that she said, that much was clear to him. All of the mindless traits and beliefs given to her. I let my sisters get this far. I could have stopped it. I should have ch- "Well I still think you're useful with weaknesses." I started, interrupting by wandering thoughts. She looked at me with confusion and uncertainty. "If there's one thing on Earth that I've learned that always holds true. It would be that Earth changes gems, whether it be good or bad." I confessed.

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