Chapter 26- We Need to Talk

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Steven's Pov

"Here's all the orange magic orchestra ones." I said. "Great put them in the transcendental space rock pile." Dad told me. "At home we only have classical music and movie soundtracks. I never heard any of these." Connie said looking a the album cover. "You never heard the Philosophy Majors. Ah man give it here this will really knock your socks off." Dad said taking out the record. I placed it on the record player and it began to play the song. We then started dancing to the music before I asked Connie to join me. I grabbed her hand and we began to spin around, until we fused.

We looked at dad's shocked expression finally realizing what we've done. We unfused moments after. "You two can fuse." My dad asked still in shock. "Uhh yes?" I answered. "T-t-th-hat's incredible since when? Wait how is this even possible?" He asked still trying to wrap his head around it. "The gems think it's cause I'm half human." I explained. "Please don't tell my parents Mr. Universe! They don't know I've been doing magic stuff with Steven! Their not going to understand I-" Connie panicked.

"Woah woah it's okay. I might be the only human being on the planet that's going to understand." He reassured. "What do you mean?" Connie asked. "Yeah what do you mean?" I repeated "Well..." Dad rubbed the back of his neck unsure of what to say. "Story!" I cheered understanding where this was going "We're ready." I said both of us sitting in the van. "I didn't think I'd be telling you this so soon. Probably best to start with this." He said putting a video tape in the VHS.

____13 years ago______

3rd Person Pov

The Crystal Gems stood around the warp-pad and background set up to help Greg make a video. Garnet was going to play the Keytar standing in front of Amethyst, who was playing the drums. Rose was going to sing in the middle standing on the warp-pad. Greg just below her playing the guitar and singing with her, and lastly Blare standing on the left side of the warp-pad playing bass guitar.

"Everybody ready?" Greg asked finishing the camera set up. Greg walked over to his place counting off and they started playing. These moments with Rose for these past few months have been great, and listening to her sing right now was incredible. Greg snapped out of his trance and began to play the solo, but then Pearl walked on to stage and began to dance with Rose until they fused into Rainbow Quartz. The fusion danced a little before unfusing into the pair. Pearl dropped the mic ending the song.

"I can't believe I got that on video! What on Earth was that?" Greg asked. "That was Rainbow Quartz. Pearl thought a fusion would give your video a little something extra. Pretty cool right. I have to go. Are you doing anything later?" Rose asked after giving Greg a quick kiss. "You know I'm not." Greg answered. "Your adorable Mister Universe see you later." Rose said leaving the room. "Bye." Greg said waving. A small Amethyst walked from behind Greg looking at him expectantly. "Hey I hit the drums so pay up." Amethyst demanded holding out her hand. "Here you go." Greg said handing her a pack of candy.

"You're just a phase you know that right?" Pearl said smugly. "No I actually don't know that Pearl." Greg said annoyed by Pearl's implication. "Well of course you don't you don't know anything about Rose." Pearl said. "I know she's super into me." Greg countered. "Listen Mr. Universe Rose may find you charming, but that's only because your human. Your a novelty at best."

"What makes you so sure?" Greg asked. "Oh it's very simple humans can't fuse. Fusion is the ultimate connection between gems and you are not a gem." Pearl explained dancing in front of Greg. "Well has any human ever tried fusing with a gem?" Greg asked taking the cord of his neck. "Eh no I don't think so." Pearl said unsure of the possibility of it happening. " Well then I will try. " Greg said dropping the mic. Amethyst cheered him on, but Pearl just sighed in irritation before walking away. "Oh jeez what am I doing these things are expensive." Greg said rolling up the cord of the mic.

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