Chapter 55- Beta

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A/N: Hello everyone, sorry it's taking so long to get an update in. There really hasn't been much time for me to really sit and write between, school, home, and the short story web-comic contest that I'm working on. Great news is that schools almost over for me. I hope you guys like the chapter. I want to hurry and get the next episode done, so maybe it will be done by the end of the week no promises. (A lot of you should remember why it's important.) Thank you for being patient and enjoy. :)

P.S.: I'm still taking questions for the next Q&A

____The Night Before_________________

3rd Person Pov

Looking out at the night sky his eyes slightly glazed over as he stared in the direction of Homeworld. The cool air of the night softly brushing against him as the sounds of Jasper and the other gems in the Kindergarten faded away into the night as his mind wondered off into the glory of his past. Tortured screams of his prey overtaking his reality the echoes of their fruitless honorable platitudes dripping from their mouths as they steeled themselves to their oath of silence. They always walked right into his trap. In the end they always begged for relief, abandoning the fatal pressure of their promises.

Rising to his feet, eyes shimmering with the numerous colors of light. Faintly breathing as his hands slowly gliding in front of his face with a dark mist slightly tinted red. It danced in the air before him before taking the form of his memories, forming a short aristocratic gem. Refined and poised with a seemingly posh and overly confident smile. The mist depicted even the most minor of details of the defective short gem from the way her hair curled to the harmless slight crack in the gem on her chest.

Seeing her, his entire demeanor shifted the glow of his eyes shimmered in an eerily soft glow as he narrowed his eyes. His shoulders stiffened and his aura became menacing. Black could imagine the very walls of her lovely home from that night. "Onyx, I never thought I would have to question your loyalty." Black started, circling the gem in question with a predatory look in his eyes, but the gem didn't flinch only staring forward as if he wasn't there, but Black Diamond was not fazed by her blatant disrespect.

He merely leaned forward wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "These are trying times and I needed to know that you are on my side. I expect more from you, but I'm probably just worried over nothing. Your cut of gem is known to remain faithful to me, my lovely aristocratic assassins." He whispered his fingers softly and lovingly brushing across her gem. Onyx flinched but leaned into his touch involuntarily. He was one with the memory sinking into his former self, the charming torturer. The glimmer of crimson dominating all else in the myriad of colors in his eyes.

Onyx began to shake guilt and fear slipping through her calm exterior. "They've trapped you with sweet words. Promising your safety despite your defects when this is all over, haven't they?" She didn't answer only avoiding his gaze, but that was all he needed. "Safety and status, they've branded you with foolish promises." He spoke softly, taking note of her shallow breathing. "A lady such as yourself should have known better than to double cross me." He smiled standing to his feet as his fingers brushed across her gem for what she thought would be the last time.

"Please my Diamond, I'll tell you everything I know. I'll even work as a spy. I'll do anything just don't-" "Sssshhhh." A finger softly placed on her lips. "Weakness does not suit you my dear." Summoning his katana from his gem. She froze her eyes wide in fear as she stared into his merciless eyes. A small part of her knew that she didn't stand a chance, but the part of her that wanted to live yelled fruitless promises in her defense. "Don't waste my time darling. There is a simple solution to all of this. Just tell me everything." He whispered dragging the blade across her eye. Within seconds she began telling him everything from start to finish. The thought of a painfully slow death fueling her memory but ripping away her resolve.

Black DiamondOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant