Fairy GodFather

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With Pony stuck at St Olga's and no current boyfriend, Aster was severely lacking in the friendship department. Sure, he had Ivory. But their relationship was more like master and protege. So, he decided to try and hang out with Marco more.

It was either this, or going on a hunt with River. And his father could be...very intense during those hunts. He was like a whole other person. Strategic, serious. And above all, strong. He once saw River wrestle a Two Headed Bear and win. Now it's fur acted as a nice rug for their living room.

He'd spent the last few days training with him at the dojo. So he decided to visit him now that it was the weekend. He used his scissors to open up a portal to his usual alley and began to walk around.

He eventually found Marco walking down the sidewalk, on his phone. He decided to play a little prank and turned himself invisible for a moment before undoing it right as Marco was in front of him.

"Boo." - A

"Ahh!" - M

He karate chopped Aster right in the throat, causing him to start struggling to breath for a moment.

"Oh, my god! I'm so sorry!" - M

He felt guilty. Aster used his hand to gesture that it was okay as he took a minute to recover.

"I probably should've expected that..." - A

He rubbed his throat.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" - M

"What? I can't visit my friend?" - A

"Oh, uh, yeah, you can. Guess I just figured you'd have more important things to do." - M

He shrugged.

"Well, my main job is just to master magic. So, I figured, if I hang around you and use my magic to fix your problems, it could be considered training. Think of me as your fairy godfather." - A

"Magic like what you used on that monster?..." - M

He said, concerned that Aster would start attacking people.

"Why do your always assume the worst? I meant like minor spells. Like, I dunno, a cleaning or duplication spell." - A

"Ohh, okay...well, what do you wanna do?" - M

"Anything. Everything." - A

Marco smiled a bit as he seemed to get some ideas.

"Alright, let's go!" - M

He grabbed Aster by the arm and began to pull him along.

Their first stop was the pool, where Marco helped him let loose and relax. He even taught him how to cannonball.

The two then went racing on bikes through the dog park, swerving to avoid obstacles as they tried to beat each other.

After that, they stopped by Marco's house for a quick break and ended up having a water balloon fight in the backyard.

Aster then decided to show Marco some cool spots. The Bounce Lounge and Amethyst Arcade were included, of course. But he also took him to a concert or two, and the two had a blast at the theme park dimension.

By the end of it all, they were walking back to Marco's house with cotton candy and various prizes that they'd won. Aster might have used a bit of magic to help Marco win them...

"Are all dimensions that fun?" - M

He asked with a big smile.

"Ehh, not really." - A

He said with a smile as he remembered the Chainsaw Dimension...

"Got it...oh, shit. Hide!" - M

He pulled Aster behind a dumpster.

"What the hell! This place stinks! What are we even hiding from?" - A

He said in a hushed tone.

"It's her!" - M

He pointed to the street, where Jackie-Lynn Thomas was hanging out with some of her friends. Aster put the pieces together.

"Ohh, you like her, don't you?" - A

He said with a teasing smile.

"What?! No! I mean, maybe? Shut up!" - M

"It's totally obvious you're into her. Why don't you just talk to her?" - A

"It's not that easy! What if I do something stupid?" - M

"Yeah, you probably will." - A

"Not helping!" - M

"Buuut, that's part of your charm. If she can't like you for you, then you two just aren't meant for each other. No big deal. Now go ahead and talk to her." - A

"What do I even say?!" - M

Aster sighed.

"Fine. I'll talk to her." - A

"What?! No!" - M

He tried to stop him but Aster quickly got up and approached Jackie and her friends. He started a conversation with them pretty easily. Marco anxiously watched as he saw them laugh a few times, nodding every now and then, smiling...

Aster finally came back.

"What did she say?!" - M

"Well, I told her I liked her hair, she said she liked my cheek markings. Then I invited her to a party at your place." - A

"...you did WHAT?!" - M

He began freaking out.

"I can't have a party! My parents would kill me!" - M

"Should I cancel?" - A

"No! It's too late! Ugh, how do people even prepare for parties? Should I get a DJ? Can I even afford that?" - M

"Calm down. We'll handle it. Everything will be fine." - A

"How can you be so calm?!" - M

Aster gestured to his wand and Marco's eyes widened in realization.

"Ohhhh! Thats Genius!" - M

"With my magic and your understanding of Earth parties, we got this in the bag." - A

"What about my parents?" - M

"I'll send them to Mewni or something. They can join a tour group." - A

"Is that safe?" - M

"...it's not not safe." - A

Marco squinted his eyes in suspicion.

"They'll be fine! As long as they stay within the kingdom, they won't even come close to a monster!" - A

"Sigh fine. But if anything happens to my parents..." - M

He glared.

"Aye aye, captain. Message received." - A

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