The Sanctuary - Part 2

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Aster and his mother entered the Sanctuary while bringing along the Commission's bodies. Aster admired the many murals of Glossaryck carved into its walls and ceilings. It seemed like Aster's ancestors worshipped Glossaryck...or maybe his race? He didn't know.

Glossaryck was a truly mysterious being. He wasn't even sure how old he was. But if he had to guess, it was definitely older than the entire Butterfly family.

"The queens of Mewni have been coming here for generations during times of danger and conflict." - Moon

She said as they reached the main room, which had a small pool with a Well in the center. The Butterfly Kingdom had been through many times of crisis in the past, even without all the Monster Wars. There were plagues, and that time that the Underworld stole over a thousand of their people.

Aster figured they came here as a way of either amplifying their magic, or for healing. Though he did wonder if Queen Solaria used this place at all. Maybe as some kind of headquarters for the Solarian Warrior program...

Did Eclipsa know about this place? She was considered evil, but she was also raised as a Queen of Mewni, so it was possible...and if she did use it, what would she have used it for? Perhaps as some kind of testing grounds? That's what he would've done.

Moon pulled an old lever at some kind of control panel, causing the pond to reveal seven large, beautiful lotuses. Each lotus opened up.

"Alright, now quickly, get the commission into their pods so we can revive them." - Moon

She said while dragging Hekapoo to one of the pods.

'So this place can bring people back to life...' - A

He thought to himself as he did the same, but with Omni and Rhombulus. Each time a member of the Commission was put in their pod, a light would emit from the lotus, acting as a sort of confirmation that they were ready.

"Alright, I'm going to open the WellSpring! Stand clear." - Moon

She said as she returned to the control panel and pulled a different lever. Several holes opened up in the Well, allowing a black goo to start seeping towards the pods.

"That doesn't look very it supposed to look like black slime?" - A

He said as Moon immediately panicked.

"No!" - Moon

She said while quickly pulling the lever again, closing the holes. Moon then ran up to the Well itself and looked inside, seeing that the entirely of the Well had been corrupted. While she did that, Aster noticed a gemstone right above the opening of the well. It reminded him of the one at the Blood Moon Ball.

'They can't be connected...right?' - A

He thought to himself as Moon confirmed that the entire Wellspring was corrupted.

"The corruption is even worse than I initially anticipated..." - Moon

She said as she returned to Aster.

"We'll need to go with Plan B." - Moon

"Which is?" - A

He asked as Moon began to dig through the moss that was growing inside the Sanctuary.

"Don't worry about that for now, dear. Now, would you prefer creamed corn or corned cream for dinner?" - Moon

She said as she pulled apart some moss to reveal a vending machine. An old one from the looks of it.

"Uh, corn chips?" - A

She nodded as she inserted some coins.

"Mom, what's Plan B?" - A

He pressed the issue, making her sigh.

"Whenever the Queens of the Butterfly Kingdom were in danger, they would come here until it passed. We'll be safe." - Moon

She tried to reassure him and step towards him, but Aster backed away.

"What? No, thats...that's insane! What about our people? And dad? You're just gonna leave them behind?" - A

"This is about more than just them, Aster! Your safety is my priority." - Moon

"So we give up?!" - as

"No! We wait until the situation changes! Even with the Magical High Commission, we never would've been able to defeat Toffee! We still can't!" - Moon

"Lekhmet didn't die for this! He didn't die for us to be cowards!" - A

"He died to ensure our kingdom had a future! You are that future! And Toffee will never stop chasing us, not until he has this!" - Moon

She showed him Toffee's finger, which Aster had hidden deep in his Secret's Closet.

" went through my things?" - A

He said, his trust in her weakening.

"If I'd left it on Earth, Toffee would've attacked your Earth friends." - Moon

She justified.

"Then we fight!" - A

"The wands are linked! He'd find us! He'd find you!" - Moon

"So what? I've beaten him before! You beat him before! You used to be a warrior, just like dad!! She never would've run away!" - A

His rage began to effect his magic, causing his cheeks and wand to glow.

"I was never a warrior, Aster! I was a child! Just like you! Toffee and his monsters they...they killed my mother..." - Moon

She said as she teared up. The glow in Aster's cheeks and wand faded as he started to realize why she was so protective. She'd lost her mother to Toffee, she wasn't willing to risk losing him too...

Moon sat down on the ground, needing a moment to help regain her composure. Aster eventually sat next to her.

"...what happened?" - A

He asked, and Moon took a deep breath, gathering up the courage to tell him. To tell him everything.

"I was about your age when it happened. I didn't know what to do. I was a child, forced to take a throne I wasn't ready for. And with the kingdom on the brink of war, I did the only thing I could think of...I spoke to Queen Eclipsa." - Moon

Aster's eyes widened in confusion.

"That's...not possible. She's been dead. For hundreds of years." - A

He insisted, to which she shook her head.

"No. She's alive...and I made a deal with her." a Moon

She said ominously.

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