The Test

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Aster was in his room on Mewni, with about ten plushies gathered in front of him.

"Alright, so I have to visualize my intent so they don't turn evil..." - A

He raised his wand before blasting the plushies. There was seemingly no effect for a moment until the plushies started to blink and come to life.

"Excellent! Animation spell is a success. Now, my minions, help me clean!" - A

He gestured to the rest of his room, which was full of various android parts, failed spell experiments, and books scattered everywhere. He was a very busy teenager, he didn't have time to worry about cleaning.

The plushies saluted him before getting to work. While they did that, Aster reinforced the protection spells on his Secrets Closet. He really didn't want this stuff getting out...

While he did that, Ivory and Marco came into the room. Marco was visiting and volunteered to help cook some Earth foods.

"Hey, whats going on in here?" - A

He said as he and Ivory brought in a cart full of Mewni and Earth foods. Both of them saw the plushies working away at cleaning.

"Well, it's the same reason why I asked you two to cook so much food. In simple terms, Glossaryck was my home room teacher. And Baby is an examiner who's gonna test me. And since she doesn't know me, she'll be impartial." - A

"Ohhh. So is she like a girl version of...whatever Glossaryck is?" - M

"Close. She's a being made purely of magic, just like him. But her form is different. And if the stories are true, then she's an eternally hungry beast that devours everything around her." - Ivory

"That sounds...dangerous." - M

"It'll be fine! My mom wouldn't send her if she didn't think I could handle it." - A

He said casually while using the animation spell on a few brooms.

"What exactly is Baby gonna be evaluating?" - M

He said while trying to stay out of the way of the plushies

"My magic training. If I pass, then great! More proof I'm ready for the throne. If I fail, i have to do homeschool and can't return to Earth." - A

"What?!" - M

"It's okay! You've seen my magic. I got this." - A

He said confidently. The plushies managed to complete their job and started playing chess together in the corner while they waited.

Baby arrived in the form of a black gas that rapidly moved into the room, devoured everything Ivory and Marco had cooked, and then solidified in one spot.

"She's here!" - A

He said as Baby revealed herself. She was an adorable baby sized cat thing with fairy wings and a crystal in her forehead.

"Aww!" - M & I

"I'm here to evaluate a...Aster Butterfly?" - Baby

She said as she checked her clipboard, which appeared out of thin air alongside a pen.

"That would be me! It's an honor to meet you. I've heard great things about you." - A

He said politely before looking to Marco.

"Please make more." - A

He whispered as Marco frowned a little, since he spent the entire afternoon working on that food. But he simply sighed and agreed before leaving.

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of EvilNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ