Eye of Aurora

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Aster and Jackie were exploring ancient ruins in Italy in search of some ancient texts that the museum asked them to recover. Considering that Valmont and the Enforcers had practically vanished and Shendu was gone, this mission was a piece of cake.

Jackie managed to find the texts but when he touched them, he accidentally triggered something that opened a hidden door. Inside was a large statue of a woman wearing a golden necklace. Aster could feel magic coming from it.

"Cool, new toy." - A

He used Levitato to snatch the necklace.

"It's not a toy! It's a very valuable relic! Maybe we should donate it to the museum." - JC

He suggested.

"Yeah, so it's magic can end up in the hands of normal people who don't know what they're doing." - A

He said sarcastically as the ruins began to collapse around them. Aster opened a portal to leave and Jackie went to follow him, only for a whip to suddenly latch onto his wrist.

"Not so fast. I'm going to be wanting that necklace. So if you want to leave alive, I suggest you hand it over." - Vanessa

Said a tan woman with long blonde hair in a pony tail. Jackie wasn't at all scared because he was wearing his armor. He grabbed the whip and blasted it, allowing him to escape its grip.

"If you want it, you probably know what it is." - A

He blasted Vanessa with a paralysis spell and uses Levitato to bring her with them to Section Thirteen. Vanessa could do nothing but squirm and struggle. Jade quickly found them and began to complain.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going on another mission? I could've come along and helped! I wanna get into an actual fight!" - J

"School is more important for us to bring you on every mission, and we didn't know it'd be a mission. It was supposed to be a simple recovery job, but...well, it turned into a mission." - A

He shrugged.

"Fine...but what's with the lady?" - J

"She tried to rob us." - JC

The two brought the paralyzed Vanessa to one of the cells and put her inside before finally undoing the paralysis spell once he took her whip. Aster created a chair and sat in the room, the magic necklace being examined by Lo Pei and Uncle in another room.

"So, who are you?" - A

"...Vanessa Barone. Professional thief, treasure hunter, and mercenary." - Vanessa

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Barone. Now, you have three options here. You can stay in this cell for...ever. Or we can turn you into the proper authorities and you can let the Justice system deal with you." - A

She eyed Aster cautiously.

"...what's the third option?" - Vanessa

"Work for me." - A

"Why me? You seem pretty capable on your own. Your friends, too." - Vanessa

"Power and skill are two different things. I could take your whip whenever I want. But that doesn't mean I have the knowledge to use it. You, Ms. Barone, are one of the two people I know that have connections to the less legal side of the world. The other is...well, don't worry about that." - A

"So you want to use my connections?" - V

He nodded.

"Correct. But that's not all. You see, I've come to learn that Earth has a lot of interesting people and relics here. I can't keep track of everything and neither can the people I work with. But you, Ms. Barone, could help me with that. Build me a spy network. Anything remotely interesting or unusual, I want a report about it once you've investigated and confirmed it." - A

"That's...that would take years. Why would you even trust me to do it?" - Vanessa

Aster opened up a portal to the Snake Guardian's basement, where Aster had been stockpiling his gold, treasures, and wealth. Vanessa's eyes widened at the amount of money there. She reached out to touch it, only for the portal to shut.

"Your only loyalty is to yourself and money. I can provide more money than you'll ever need." - A

"And what's stopping me from betraying you?" - Vanessa

"Nothing. Though, I could make you sign a contract to force you into serving me..." - A

"Let's not be rash...as long as you're paying the most, I'll steal anything." - Vanessa

"I don't want you to steal. Just gather info. What you do on your downtime is your business, as long as it doesn't hurt me or my allies. Is that understood?" - A

Vanessa nodded.

"Tell me about the artifact." - A

"It's called the Eye of Aurora. I've been hunting it down for months. It's originally from Egypt, and holds the power of teleportation. It can only be activated by saying 'return to', and then the location. But you have to have a clear image of it in your mind, or it won't work." - Vanessa

"I see...so you could use it to travel anywhere in the world with it instantly...no wonder you wanted it." - A

She nodded.

"When should I start working on the spy network?" - V

"Immediately would be preferable. I'll give you a certain amount of funds to help start the organization. Y'know, for hiring people and buying buildings and junk. Just as long as you don't unnecessarily kill and hurt people, run it how you see fit. Just get the job done." - A

She nodded. Aster then opened a portal back to Venice for her, and she went through with a backpack full of gold and jewels, as well as a newly enchanted fire whip.

And so was the birth of the Golden Circle.
Aster eventually returned to his friends.

"How did things go with our mysterious friend?" - JC

"She's been dealt with. She's been dealt with." - A

"...did you...did you kill her?..." - JC

He asked in concern.

"What? No! What kind of person do you think I am? I recruited her and made her an agent. She's gonna report any info about valuable artifacts to us." - A

Jackie let out a sigh of relief.

"Can we trust her?" - JC

"Pretty sure we can." - A

He said as he went to tell Lo Pei and Uncle to stop their research. The Eye of Aurora was an item Aster would put to use. He'd given plenty of magic items to his friends. This one was one he'd keep for himself. He had a feeling he'd need it for the future...

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