The Second Talisman - Part 4: Tohru v Toro

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Aster, Toro, and Jade cautiously approached the Dark Hand's private plane. Aster signaled for them to be quiet as he opened up a portal to Mewni. One of his Ravens flew out and went straight towards the plane.

It perched by one of its windows, getting a clear sight of Jackie and began to peck at the window. Inside, Ratso and Chow were tying up the captured Chan.

"Get rid of the bird! It's annoying." - Chow

Finn rolled his eyes as he opened the door and was face to face with El Toro, who just absolutely decked Finn.

"What the-?!" - Chow

He and Ratso got up but were quickly punched or thrown aside by Aster and El Toro. Aster's karate might not be as good as Jackie's yet, but he was still pretty good.

They found Jackie, who was now conscious and very happy to see them.

"Hola, Jackie!" - J

She said as El Toro ripped off the tape covering Jackie's mouth.

"The talisman is still on the plane!" - Jackie

Jade instantly ran back inside, followed by El Toro. Aster dragged Jackie into the plane before untying him as the plane began to take off, leaving behind Ratso, Chow, and Finn.

Luckily, the only people left on the plane were basic guards. El Toro and Aster were able to knock them out without much trouble. However, the fight did get the attention of the pilot.

The door to the cockpit opened as Tohru came out to see what was going on. Tohru and Toro immediately glared at each other.

They charged at each other with their respective battle cries before engaging in a fight of almost pure strength.

"Get the talismán!" - A

He said as he and Jackie began helping El Toro keep Tohru pinned down. Jade ran off to the cockpit, and managed to get in right before the door closed again.

"Hey!" - Pilot

He said as he got up to grab her but she quickly kicked him in the balls, causing the man to fall over, grabbing his crotch while groaning in pain.

"Huh...didn't think that would actually work." - J

She shrugged before realizing the plane was now left without a pilot.

She began to panic as the plane started to fall towards the ground. She began to search around the cockpit and found a small box where the ox talisman was stored, but that wasn't going to help in this situation.

Back in the main room, The group of four men were still struggling until the pilot slid past them as the plane continued to nose dive towards the ground.

"...was that the pilot?" - A

He said as his eyes widened. He then looked to Tohru

"Truce?" - A

Tohru looked back at him before nodding. The trio of men got off of him as they all rushed to the cockpit to find Jade struggling to try and pilot the plane.

"Can't you open a portal?!" - JC

"Yeah, but that means this thing is gonna crash right into the town! We need to try and land it!" - A

"Does anyone have pilot experience?" - Jade

"I'm an archeologist!" - JC

"Wrestler." - Toro

"Henchman." - Tohru

"I'm not even from Earth. Ugh! Let me try!" - A

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