A New Life - Part 1: Cheerleaders Dont Do Detention

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Aster had learned the Chi Clone spell a few weeks ago. So, when Eternity alerted him about the beginning of a new 'storyline' in a few weeks, Aster created his first Chi Clone. This clone would have all Aster's memories up until the moment of creation, but none of Aster's powers aside from the most basic form of Chi magic.

He figured this clone might come across something useful, so he also gave him the Eye of Aurora, which he'd redesigned to be a bracelet. Aster knew that, since he and the clone didn't exactly share a hive mind, that this clone would go on to have experiences of his own, ones that would make him his own person. So, he gifted him a name.

Caster, the First Star.

And to help him fit in better, Aster cast a spell to make him look about 14, so he'd blend in. But he was actually the same age as Aster, physically anyway.
Caster had been living in Middleton for the first few weeks after his creation. Captain Black had been generous enough to set him up with an ID, bank account, fake medical records, etc. So within the first week, he'd enrolled in Middleton High as a freshman.

It wasn't long after that that he met his two new best friends. Fourteen year olds Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable.

Kim was a red haired cheerleader and part time super hero for hire. Her dad was a literal rocket scientist, her mom a neurosurgeon, and her twin little brothers were genius engineers. Aster knew all of this because her family had taken him in as an exchange student.

Ron was a bit more nerdy than Kim. He was blonde and out of shape with an interest in comic books and video games. He was an only child with a pet naked mole rat, Rufus.

Today was the last day that term papers could be turned in, and Kim was running late. Caster stood by her locker as he watched her come racing in, expertly dodging and weaving through the crowd of students.

She finally reached her locker and let out a small sigh of relief. She opened it up to reveal a computer and printer in the top half, with her other things in the lower half. She quickly pushed a button so it would start printing the homework she'd uploaded last night.

"Come on! Come on! Print for Kimmy!" - Kim

"Damn, not even a good morning? Harsh." - Caster

He said sarcastically while putting away his own things.

"No time!" - Kim

She said as she pulled the paper out as soon as it was printed and looked confused.

Kim was a complicated person. And yet, at the same time, she was simple. Despite facing villains and dangers all the time, she shrugged it off. And yet, regular teenage girl things like boys, reputation, and grades stressed her out. In a lot of ways, she was like Jade. Except Jade was a lot more...free spirited...

Ron came over.

"Sorry. I downloaded cheat class for Steel Toe Cyber Slam! Didn't think you'd mind letting me use your printer." - Ron

He said while coming over. Steel Toe was a wrestler that Ron was obsessed with. Though Caster believed that El Toro could take him down easily.

"Today, Ron Stoppable defeats the boss of level six!" - Ron

He said while doing a heroic pose, making Caster laugh as he closed his locker. Though Kim didn't seem to find it very funny.

Caster had...concerns about Ron. He could be reckless, irresponsible, and sometimes selfish. However, he did still try to be a good friend when it really mattered. Though, in Ron's defense, he was only fourteen. He still had room to grow. Especially if Caster helped him reach his full potential.

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