BuffFrog Castle

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Moon told him everything. Apparently her mother, Aster's grandmother, had been a chef. She was never a fighter. But even so, she tried to fight Toffee, and died in battle.

Moon took the throne shortly after, and was tasked with stopping the war. And with all the pressure around her to either try and wipe out all monsters or make peace, she sought help from darker forces.

Rhombulus and the Magical High Commission had imprisoned Eclipsa in a crystal, and Moon requested an audience with her. During the meeting, the two Queens made a deal. Eclipsa would give Moon her darkest spell that could kill even an immortal being, and in exchange, she'd be given her freedom once Toffee was dead.

And she accepted.

Unfortunately, her aim was horrible. So all she managed to do was take Toffee's finger. And while it didn't kill him, it did scare off his monster army, preventing the entire war.

Talking about her past was very difficult for Moon, so the two went to bed for the night...
A week later...

Aster and Moon had been living in the Sanctuary for a week now. Moon had convinced Aster to stay, just until they found a new angle to defeat Toffee.

One morning, they woke up to find that the Wellspring was overflowing with corrupted magic. So much so that the entire Sanctuary was starting to flood.

"The Commission!" - A

He tried to reach Hekapoo's pod, which had been sealed shut to protect them. But Moon grabbed his hand.

"There's no time! We'll have to come back for them!" - Moon

She said as she pulled him away. He hesitated but agreed and the two swam as fast as they could to the exit. They barely made it out without suffocating, and resurfaced in the lake.

Once they made it to shore, the Sanctuary sank back into the water, now covered in corrupted magic. Aster watched as their safe haven disappeared. And while his hope was fading, it wasn't gone yet.

"It must've been draining our magic during the night." - Moon

She said as she tried to perform the most basic spell, only for nothing to happen. Aster nodded, confirming that he couldn't use any magic either. And using his wand wasn't an option.

"What's the plan?" - A

"...I don't know." - Moon

"What do you mean?" - A

"I don't know! I'm just trying to keep you safe! For now, we just have to find somewhere safe." - Moon

She said as she dried her hair off before starting to move. Aster sighed as he got up and prepared to follow, and noticed a frog by the shoreline.

"...I might have an idea." - A

He grinned.

Aster and Moon arrived at a repaired version of Ludo's castle, which was not only home to BuffFrog's family but also Aster's pet Snake Guardian.

"Okay, don't freak out." - A

"I'm not going to freak out!" - Moon

She insisted. Aster knocked on the front door, and after a moment, BuffFrog opened it while wearing slippers and a bath robe. Moon gasped at the sight of a monster. Sure, she'd been warned. But being around one was completely different.

"Hey!" - A

He smiled as Buff Frog grinned and hugged him.

"It's been too long! You never visit! Katrina and the tadpoles miss you!" - BF

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