Shendu's Return - Part 2: Gates Not Opened

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AN: hi! I usually don't leave messages in the chapters. But I wanted to ask what kind of cartoons my readers would be interested in seeing added in the future. I'm more than happy to consider them! Thank you for reading.

When Aster woke up, he was in the medical area of Section Thirteen. He groaned a little as he grabbed his head, which was aching. A nurse quickly alerted Captain Black, who came in and filled him in on what happened after he passed out.

Valmont and his enforcers got away, the bank money was left behind, the hostages were fine, and Shendu had somehow managed to break into Uncle's shop to steal a book.

'So he got past my protection spell, and stole a book. If I had to guess, he's going after the Panku Box...' - A

He began trying to get out of bed, despite Black protesting against it. But Aster knew that if Shendu's siblings were anywhere near as powerful as Shendu himself, then Aster didn't have time to worry  about being injured.

He used a temporary pain nullification spell on himself as he went to see Lo Pei, who, as usual, was meditating.

"I heard what happened. You should rest." - LP

"We have the chance to stop Shendu from being able to free any of his siblings. My recovery can't be put on hold until after it's dealt with." - A

"Hm, very well." - LP

"...that's it? You aren't going to try and change my mind?" - A

"I already know that nothing I say will change your mind. But I can give you a better chance." - LP

"Shendu is going after the Panku Box. Tell me where you hid it, and I'll get to it before he does." - A

Lo Pei stared at Aster for a moment. He briefly considered the possibility that Aster would want to use it for himself, but Aster had no reason to. And as long as Lo Pei was around, the forces of evil could not tempt him into opening the gateways.

"Alright. But the Temple of the Pan Ku box is not unguarded. When I initially created it, I placed Chi Spells of protection over it. You will not be able to use your portals within its walls." - LP

" that it?" - A

He said with surprise. Some of the talismans had monster guardians. And the Pan Ku Box was probably more important than them. So why was it left so defenseless?

"Of course not. The box itself is made entirely out of Good Chi. Shendu and his siblings can't touch it." - LP

"But he could get someone to do it for him." - A

"...admittedly, I probably should've placed more safety measures." - LP

"Whatever, it's fine. Easier for me anyway..." - A

He said before getting up. Lo Pei told him the location of the temple which was somewhere near the original location of the Rooster Talisman, in Bavaria. So he opened a portal as close as he could to the Pan'Ku Box Temple.

It took him about five minutes to get to the temple from there, thanks to his cloud spell. The moment he entered the temple, he felt...disappointed.

It was inside of a cave, with the only rooms being a hallway and a main room. The Pan'Ku Box was front and center on a pedestal, surrounded by gold statues and treasure.

'I'll be back for you all!' - A

He said, feeling a little sad he couldn't take all this gold with him. He quickly grabbed the Pan'Ku Box and left the temple, and noticed a helicopter heading right for the cave.

'Shendu...too late, asshole.' - A

He grinned as he summoned his cloud and began to head straight for the helicopter, which startled the pilot (Finn). But right before they collided, Aster opened a portal and flew through it, and returned to Section Thirteen.

The portal quickly closed behind him. He was back in Jackie's dojo, where Lo Pei was waiting. He got off his cloud and tossed the Pan'Ku Box at him, which he easily caught.

"That was much faster than I expected." - LP

He said as he examined the Pan'Ku Box, confirming it was still in perfect condition. Not a single gate had been opened.

"Yeah. You didn't exactly make it some impossible quest." - A

He said with a disapproving expression.

"I admit, I could have done more to guard it." - LP

"And you should have. But I'll let off, this time. A lot of people could've gotten hurt if they got to the box before I did." - A

"Hm..." - LP

He didn't have anything he could say in self defense. It was stupid. But atleast it worked in their favor.

"We should get this inside the vault." - LP

"Nope. The talismans are already in there. I'm taking this to Mewni." - A

He took the Pan'Ku Box back.

"Is that any safer?" - LP

He said, not being certain about the idea.

" the hell would Shendu ever get to Mewni? It's in another dimension. And even if he did, it'll be guarded this time." - A

"Mm, very well." - LP

He saw Aster's point and agreed. Aster then returned to Mewni, and was now in his bedroom. He started to consider spots he could put the Pan'Ku Box. He had two main ideas. The Hydra Cave, and the Snake Guardian in Buff Frog's basement.

'Mm...both of them have kids...' - A

He didn't want to put the kids in danger. And it wasn't like he and the Hydra were super close. He couldn't exactly bury it in the Forest of Certain Death either. It would act as a natural deterrent because of all the monsters, yes. But monsters just like the Hydra and Buff Frog lived there too.

'' - A

He smiled as he got an idea.

Aster arrived at the Magic Sanctuary after having spent an hour trying to communicate with the crocodiles and get them to raise it out of the lake. Once he entered the Sanctuary, Aster began to use his magic to fix the place up.

He left some of the plants as decoration, but he repaired everything else. Such as the walls and murals of Glossaryck. He created a hole in the floor and put the Pank'Ku Box inside, before covering it up and making sure it blended in perfectly with the rest of the floor.

'Now for some security...' - A

Aster spent the next twenty minutes bringing over a whole unit of Tank Androids to guard the Magic Sanctuary, as well as putting as many Anti-Evil Protection spells around the entire building just in case that, somehow, Shendu found his way to Mewni.

But that would never happen.
Back at the Pan'Ku Box Temple...

With the Pan'Ku Box missing and no way to track its location, Shendu had no way of keeping his promise to his siblings and free them. Well...there was one way left...

"Come, enforcers. We have a book to find..." - Shendu/Valmont

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