Side Stories: St Olga's New Purpose

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Ever since Miss Heinous was dethroned as Head Mistress and kicked out, nobody had seen her. Princess Four Arms took over with Pony as her enforcer.

They turned the school into a sort of sorority/fraternity. Half the school for the princesses, half the school for the princes, and the middle ground was for partying.

Aster and Marco were always welcome, of course. And Aster took full advantage of that as he explored the place. A majority of the rooms were classrooms, offices, closets, or dorms.

But he still couldn't figure out why the strange monster mural room was in the basement. Was Heinous some kind of traitor?

He did find two other interesting rooms though.

Such as Miss Heinous's library. It was full of books on all kinds of stuff. Mostly things on how to build, manage, and control the automatons that they used as guards. But there was other stuff. Such as books on basic alchemy, magic, and dimensional knowledge.

He decided to use a portal to take it all to his room. He'd figure out where to properly sort it later.

The second interesting room was the manufacturing room. It was where all the automatons were built and repaired. They seemed to run on magical energy, and needed to charge every few days.

If he could boost production speed and redesign them, then he could make his own army. One that could not only fight, but also improve life on Mewni and any kingdoms under it.

But in the back corner was a bunch of trash and something buried in it. When he inspected it, he found a female robot. One that had clearly been turned off for a very long time.

She was covered in webs and her parts were starting to rot. He decided to take her as well. And upon reading some history books on St Olga's, he realized who she was. Saint Olga! Apparently she'd gone missing around the same time Miss Heinous took over.

He considered the idea of turning her back on. But she might just try to take over the school again. So he'd have to do something about that...

Then he had an idea.

If the school could be repurposed, so could she. So he began to alter her magical program. Magic programming wasn't his specialty, so tampering with something so complex meant he'd have to be careful.

So he only slightly changed and updated things. Like her speech being more smooth, and changing her purpose from being the head mistress of St Olga's, to being the head mistress of a school for commoners.

With that done, he finally turned her one. At first, she was confused. Aster filled her in on what he knew. She'd been turned on, and now he'd like to employ her to be a teacher, which she accepted once he told her that St Olga's was no longer looking for a head mistress.

He took her to the castle so she could use one of the empty rooms as a temporary classroom. He would have the guards begin advertising classes that commoners could sign up their children for.

If all goes well, he'd open up more classes. And even start hunting for other abandoned robots similar to Olga. She confirmed that there were more like her out there. But after all these years, she had no idea where they could possibly be.

She also didn't remember who created them. Which was just another mystery to add to the list.

Who made these automatons? How did they get such advanced knowledge? Were they from Earth? Where are they now? What happened to them?

For now, he couldn't investigate...

But what he could do is begin experimenting with the automaton guards to enhance them. He planned on making multiple variations for different jobs. Such as bulky ones for guarding, slimmer ones for chasing or delivering things, small ones for spying, etc.

But that would take time. And he had plenty of that. Not like Miss Heinous was coming back anytime soon...


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