Shendu's Return - Part 1: Bank Hostages & Jetpacks

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With all twelve talismans (minus the rat) safely stored within the vault of Section Thirteen, with an army of agents and three magic users (Aster, Lo Pei, Uncle) guarding them, it was highly unlikely Valmont and whatever was left of the Dark Hand could ever steal them.

Shendu was gone. Atleast, for now. They'd destroyed the statue, which was basically his body. And while his soul probably was still out there somewhere, Lo Pei seemed pretty sure that Shendu's dark soul had been trapped within the Demon Realm.

Lo Pei had explained that long ago, when he initially caused the creation of the Twelve Talismans, Shendu and his seven siblings had ruled this world with an iron fist, until Lo Pei and the rest of the Eight Immortals had banished them into the Demon Realm, never to return. Shendu was the only one who escaped his fate due to being stuck as a statue.

Apparently the Demon Realm was like a room, locked from the outside. The only way for anything inside to escape is if someone helps them. And fortunately, that was impossible. The Eight Immortals had sealed the only key to the Demon Realm within the Panku Box. And even then, releasing Shendu and his siblings would be very difficult. It would take weeks, possibly months, to release all of them.

Knowing this, Jackie started to feel like the world was safe. He and his family could return to a life of selling antiques. Though Jade was adamantly refusing to give up her new life of adventure, and potential future as an agent for Section Thirteen.

Aster managed to convince Jackie to stay because A, if they moved back into Uncle's shop, Tohru would have to move out. And B, there was likely more magic out there that they'd have to find and protect. So, for now, they'd stay.

Though Aster was starting to consider the possibility of giving Jackie some power of his own. He was responsible, could adapt to situations easily, had potential as a chi wizard, and without even knowing it, was a born leader. He just had to help him realize his potential...
Aster and Jade were currently visiting Kepler's lab. The last time Aster had seen Kepler, he'd created a device that gave the Rabbit Talisman the power to go through time. It was by accident, but still.

"Ooo, this is so cool!" - Jade

She said while playing with a robotic squid robot that Kepler had built. She wanted to make it one of her little minions, just like Gnome Cop.

"Can I have it?" - J

"Ask your uncle. And careful, positronic shockwaves will melt your brain." - Kaplan

He said as Jade got a little too close to one of his lasers.

"Watcha workin' on?" - J

"Solid state, particle beam driven, high density, hypnosis inducing, phase shifter." - Kaplan

"Sounds...complicated?" - J

"Yeah, even for sounds like either a hypnosis ray or intangibility..." - A

He said with a look of confusion. Kaplan laughed.

"It's hardly complicated." - Kaplan

"What's this?" - J

She asked while moving over to one of his projects. A Jetpack.

"Is that thing even safe? Or completed?" - A

He asked as Jade put it on.

"I finished it yesterday. Haven't gotten around to safety checks though." - Kaplan

He said while continuing to tinker as Jade turned on the jetpack and began to fly around. She probably would've gone flying around the entire facility had Aster not barely managed to catch her with Levitato, though he was struggling to hold her in one place.

"Turn it off!!" - A

He shouted as the Jetpack began to slowly drag him towards the door.

"I don't know how!" - J

"Jetpack, deactivate." - Kaplan

The Jetpack turned off, and Aster was able to put her down safely.

"Kaplan...we really need to have a talk about safety..." - A

He said as Black came in.

"Dark Hand's finally shown their faces. Bank Robbery. Figured you and Jackie would want the chance to put them away for good." - Black

Aster thought about it. Stay here with Kaplan and his crazy dangerous inventions, or have a nice little adventure and take down Valmont and his goons?

Jackie and Aster got dropped off outside the bank in their missions suits just in time to see Finn, Chow, and Ratso holding a bunch of people hostage in a bank with guns. Alongside them was someone new.

Hak Foo. A large, muscular, red haired man. He kind of resembled Goku.

"Alright, boys. Lets no make this harder than it needs to be." - A

He said as his hands glowed and Jackie got in a fighting stance. Hak Foo stepped towards them, while the other three a bit unsure about fighting Aster again.

"You must be the spell faster Valmont has told me about. I will enjoy the pleasure of putting your head on my wall." - HF

He clenched his fist menacingly, as if threatening to crush him.

"Yeah, I've faced kappa's stronger than you." - A

He said before blasting Hak Foo with a honey bomb, causing him to be stuck to the ground. The other three enforcers began to shoot at Jackie and Aster. Fortunately, they had atrocious aim.

Jackie was able to get close enough to take down Finn, and Aster froze the other two in ice.

"Seems like we're pretty much done here." - A

He said as he looked around.

"There's just one missing..." - A

He said as Valmont came out after having taken money straight from the vault.

"You!" - Valmont

He glared at Aster before throwing a bag of money at Aster as a distraction, allowing him to quickly close the distance between them and punch Aster to the ground.

Unfortunately, the spirit of Shendu was just about to possess Aster until Valmont got in the way. Valmont stiffened as his eyes began to glow red. He then looked down at his own hands and realized what had happened.

"No!" - Shendu/Valmont

He said in rage at another failed plan.

"I'm trapped within this failure of a pawn!" - Shendu/Valmont

"...Shendu?!" - A

He said in confusion as he noticed the change in Valmont's voice. Or rather, the absence of it. Shendu's voice had taken over.

"That's right, little bug. And this time, I won't be stopped by the likes of you!" - Shendu/Valmont

He opened his mouth wide and release a burst of explosive dragon flames. Aster barely had enough time to create a barrier, which was promptly crushed as Shendu, while amplifying the power of Valmont's body with dark chi, stomped on it. He then grabbed Aster's shirt and threw him out of the window.

Aster went flying across the street and eventually hit a tree, head first. He blacked out.

With Aster dealt with, Shendu turned to Jackie.

"Leave, or I burn these pathetic humans alive!" - Shendu/Valmont

He threatened. Jackie hesitated but left, not wanting the hostages to be hurt. Shendu then used his ice to free Chow and Finn, his strength to free Hak Foo, and then slapped Ratso awake.

"Come, my enforcers. We shall free my siblings, and restore the natural order of the Demon World..." - Shendu/Valmont

He said with a sinister grin as Shendu/Valmont summoned his ShadowKhan, who quickly used their shadow movement abilities to transport the group away.

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