The Great North - Part 2: Saving Christmas

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"This is just...incredible..." - A

He said, admiring how everything here worked like a well oiled machine. Not to mention how much magic was present in this room alone.

"So that's how Santa gets around!" - J

She smiled while looking at the various toys, though she didn't see a single UltraMouse Two. A scrawny elf came running up to them.

"Elven! Ms. Clause called from her trip to the Bahamas! She's going nuts!" - Elf

"Calm her down. We'll find North before Christmas is over. That's a promise." - Elven

The scrawny elf nodded before running off.

"Guys, we should bring the whole team here! They can help." - J

"I don't think everyone could fit, or be trusted, in this room..." - A

He said, thinking of Gantu's size and Stitch's mischievous nature.

"I meant the classic team! Toro and Viper! Pleaaase?" - J

She gave puppy dog eyes. Aster looked at Elven.

"You're call." - Elven

"...alright, fine." - A

He sighed, making Jade jump up and down with joy.
"So after the dot com bubble popped, I moved all my stock to other things. Like pharmaceuticals."

Said Jerry to Viper, who was currently at a Christmas party with the other staff members of HEROES' island. She was dying to find an excuse to get out of here, and thanked god when her phone rang.

"Excuse me for just a moment." - Viper

She gave Jerry her drink before walking off and picking up.

"Hey, Viper. You free tonight?" - A

"For you? Always. What's the job?" - Viper

"Look in the closet to your left." - A

She looked to her left and saw a closet door. She walked to it and opened the door, her eyes widening as she saw the wormhole.

" night just got a whole lot more exciting." - V

She smiled.
"Ready?" - Toro

"Ready!" - Pako

He said, having finished setting up the star on their Christmas cactus which was decorated with lights. The pair were outside, with a long extension cable with them. Toro plugged the lights into the cable, causing a blinding surge of light as the wormhole opened up behind their Christmas cactus. Jade walked through.

"Hey, we're gonna save Christmas, you in?" - J

She said with a big smile.

"You can always count on El Toro Fuerte!" - Toro

He didn't fully understand what was happening. But he understood enough. They needed help.

"And El Pako!" - Pako

He said, volunteering to help.
The team began working with the elves to load up the gifts to North's sleigh, but with no North in sight, it was pretty much pointless. Aster and Elven watched as Toro, Tohru, Jackie, and Jade worked tirelessly and Viper helped organize the elves. Uncle was setting up the locator spell, since Aster's magic had failed to find it. They were now using traditional good Chi magic.

"I don't meant to sound like a downer, but do we really need North for Christmas? We might not find him in time." - A

"In theory, yes. But tradition is important. We might not need North himself, but we do need a Santa." - Elven

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