Guardian of the Talismans

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Aster entered Lo Pei's dojo. He was meditating as usual.

"You called?" - A

"Yes. I believe you are finally ready to be my successor." - Lo Pej

"Oh, yeah? What exactly would I have to do?" - A

"Guard the talismans." - Lo Pei

"...isn't that what I already do?" - A

"Yes, but I've seen the world and how it's changed since my time. The talismans are no longer safe. They must be put somewhere where nobody can abuse their power." - Lo Pei

"Okay...where were you thinking? Cause if it's anything like the Pan'Ku Box's temple, then that's a horrible plan." - A

"No, we will put it where it's power will be untouchable. Inside of you." - Lo Pei

Aster stared at Lo Pei for a moment as he processed this.

" twelve rocks inside my body?" - A

", I meant having you absorb their magic. You've proven time and time again that you have the kindness, the loyalty, the wisdom, the courage, and the discipline to wield their power. You hold so much power already, and you encounter new powers regularly. But rather than use them for yourself, you use them to strengthen your allies. The magic of the talismans will be safe inside you." - Lo Pei

He smiled as he stood up. Aster felt...conflicted. He was happy that Lo Pei thought so highly of him, guarding the magic of the talismans was a big responsibility.

"Thank you, I even ready yet? I still have a lot left to learn. My journey has probably just started..." - A

"That's exactly why you are ready. I know you will use the power of the talismans to help and protect others. I tried to hide the talismans, and that only brought temporary peace from a few of the many dark forces out there...but I believe you can use their power to finish what I started, and bring a better future." - Lo Pei

Aster smiled.

"...okay, I'll do it...but what happens to you?" - A

"I'll surrender the Rat Talisman during the ritual. But don't worry. If I chose correctly, you'll bring me back." - Lo Pei

He said with complete confidence. Lo Pei had Aster bring the eleven talismans to the dojo and seal the doors as he prepared the Chi Spell. He placed all eleven talismans, and himself, in a circle around Aster.

As he chanted, one by one, the talismans began to crack and lose their color as glowing balls of magic left their old containers and entered Aster's body. Each time a new magic entered his body, Aster felt the already large amount of magic inside him increase. By the time he reached the last two, the Rat and the Tiger, he felt ready to explode.

"Stay strong, my student." - Lo Pei

He said before the Rat Talisman exited his body, turning Lo Pei back into terracotta as the magic was absorbed by Aster. Aster was certain he'd explode as all eleven powers of the talismans, as well as his own magic, were all colliding and fighting each other inside his body.

Atleast until the tiger talisman's magic was absorbed, causing what felt like a wave of relief to wash over Aster as all his magic and powers settled down and were balanced. Before, it was like too much water was in a glass cup and was overflowing. Now, the cup was a large jar and there was plenty of space for the water.

When his mind finally calmed down, Aster felt...lighter. He stood up and looked down at his body, noticing that he was more muscular and taller than before.

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