To Tear a Hole into the Sky

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Janna and Glossaryck were having a discussion about whether or not BonBon's nose would still be plastic or become part of him and be made of meat.

"What do you think, Aster?" - Janna

"Huh? Oh, uh, it's probably just gonna be intangible like the rest of him...but don't you guys think it's a little weird Marco asked me to the dance before Jackie? He wouldn't do that unless he felt more comfortable with me than her, right?" - A

"I thought you didn't even wanna go, and you wanted to come see BonBon with us." - J

"I do! I do! It's just...never mind. Maybe I'm just overthinking." - A

He said as they put down their stuff and began to look for BonBon's tombstone. Aster eventually found it. It was covered with vines and overgrown weeds. He and Janna spent ten minutes taking it all off.

"Finally! Let's get this party started!" - J


(Marco POV)

Marco and Jackie were quietly walking to the dance together. The school was just up ahead. Marco nervously decided to start up some conversation.

"So...what are your hobbies?" - M

He said, using the lines he'd rehearsed for hours with Aster.

"Oh! Well, I love skateboarding. But you know about that already. I also really like history. There was this one really cool one-!" - JL

She told him all about a history book she'd read Australia going to war against birds.

And losing.

"Interesting. What kind of music do you like?" - M

He asked, feeling a little more relaxed.

"Um...pretty mellow stuff? I know that's super vague, and non-specific, but still. Maybe I could show you my playlist sometime." - Jackie

She said as Marco blushed a little. They finally entered the dance

"Let's see...we've got that girl hogging all the hot wings. No-date loner girls...oh! And there's Brad and Tammy." - JL

She said while looking at a dancing couple that looked pretty happy. Though Jackie didn't seem thrilled to be here.

"Greetings! A corsage for the lady?" - principal

"Oh, uh, no thanks-" - M

"It's mandatory!" - principal

"Uh...sure." - M

He accepted it. The principal happily strolled away.

"I think I made a mistake coming here..." - JL

"What do you mean? D-did i do something?..." - M

"Oh! No! I meant that this was a mistake. I should've just asked you on a date." - JL

Marco looked dejected when he heard the first part, and then both his face and cheeks lit up as he heard the second part.

"R-really?" - M

"Mhm...maybe it's not too late?" - JL

She offered.

"Uh..." - M

This was off-script from what he and Aster had rehearsed, but...

"...yeah, I'd like that." - M

The two smiled and held hands as they walked out together.
(Aster POV)

Glossaryck was singing an annoying song about BonBon while Janna set up a salt circle with candles and everything.

"Bam! We're ready. If that don't say 'welcome back, clown ghost', I don't know what does!" - Janna

She said as she put down the cake in the center.

"How's the shrine coming along?" - Janna

She said as she looked over at Aster who was in charge of decorating BonBon's tombstone.

"Oh, it's going pretty good. Got some balloons, and a confetti cannon..." - A

He didn't seem to be putting the usual one hundred percent energy into something that he usually did.

"Looks great. We can keep adding to it. It's gonna be a long night anyway." - Janna

She said while examining the salt to make sure she didn't miss anything.

"Yeah, yeah...hey, mind if I ask you something?" - A

"If it's about Marco again, I'm not answering." - Janna

"I'm just worried that Marco and Jackie might not be the best match!" - A

"And if they aren't, it won't work out. Why are you so stressed about it?" - Janna

"I just don't want my best friend to get hurt!" - M

"Sheesh. Maybe you should try to get him outta your head and just relax." - Janna

"Yeah...yeah, maybe I should." - A

He said while taking deep breathes, trying not to think about Marco.

"Hey, are you gonna use this?" - G

He interrupted Aster's meditation. He was talking about a page from the Book of Spells.

"What is it?" - A

"I's has a rat on it." - G

"...yeah, no. I'm not gonna let you destroy one of my great grandma's handwritten notes. Here." - A

He started a little campfire for Glossaryck using magic, which he was happy with. Aster then went back to working on the shrine and noticed a flower, which he picked up and stared at for a while...
(Marco POV)

Jackie and Marco were hanging out at the park that Mina and Aster had previously destroyed. He was teaching her how to eat a kind of snack he liked. They were on a bench, sitting under a street lamp.

"Okay, so that's enough cereal, and now, we stir!" - M

He said as Jackie laughed a little at his enthusiasm and stirred with him.

"And then, we add one, and only one, malted milk ball." - M

He reached into the bag and got two balls.

"One for me, one for you." - M

He put one into each of their little cups.

"Are you sure about this?" - M

"Oh, yeah. Trust the chef. I'm a pro." - M

He said jokingly, making her laugh.

"Yes, chef." - JL

She took a sip and immediately gagged, and nearly vomited.

"Marco! That's disgusting! You eat this stuff?" - JL

"Whaaat? This is delicious!...I mean, it has been a while since I've had it..." - M

He took a sip and almost immediately spit it back into the cup.

"Yeah...that probably wasn't a great idea..." - M

Jackie laughed at their mutual rejection.

"Your face!" - JL

She put her legs up on his lap.

"You can be so adorable without even trying." - JL

"Really?" - M

"Mhm. Just relax." -

Marco began trying to relax, but kept shifting around uncomfortably while trying to find a comfortable position.

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