The Mystic Monkey - Part 3: Rise of Monkey Fist

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The group watched as Monty absorbed the mystic energies of the four statues.

"Bow to my power! I am Monkey Fist!" - Monty

He said as he landed, the process now complete.

"Now that you know my secret, you will not leave this room alive!" - Monty

"Uh, sure, it's twelve." - Bates

"Oh. Serenity time. Time to center myself." - Monty

He sat down and began to meditate as Bates offered the group some tea.

"Monkey kung fu is half mental." - Bates

He explained.

"...right. Let's get this settled." - C

He grabbed a cup of the tea and threw it in Monty's face, causing him to scream as he was then punched in the face, knocking him out.

"What is the meaning of this?! You do not fight during serenity time!" - Bates

"You just threatened to kill us." - K

She said as she and Ron approached Bates, who anxiously took a few steps back...

As for Monty, Caster teleported him right into a prison cell in Section Thirteen using the Eye of Aurora. Sure, he could've done that sooner. But he needed to find all four of the statues, which Monty had so generously gathered for him.

Caster stood in the middle of the four statues and allowed them to blast him with their magic, empowering his Chi to a whole new level. He wasn't as strong as Aster yet, but he now had a power unique to him, something that set him apart. This power helped him unlock three new abilities.

Chi Blast.

Allowed him to concentrate a large amount of his Chi into his palms and release it as energy blasts. It wasn't as powerful as Jackie's energy blasts, but it would help if he fought Shego again.

Chi Healing.

Not super useful in a fight, but very helpful during serious situations. It was very draining though because he'd be giving his own Chi in exchange for accelerating the natural regeneration of another person. The more injured they were, the more Chi would be needed to save them.

Chi Infusion.

Allowed him to infuse his Chi into a weapon he was holding to empower it. For example, one of the electric staffs that Drakken's goons had. It also worked well with things like swords, staffs, and bats. He could form a layer of Chi around the weapon to enhance its power, and eventually, he might be able to create a full Chi construct.

But other than that, Caster couldn't sense any physical changes caused by the mystical monkey power aside from his Chi turning blue...
With Monkey Fist and Bates locked up, Caster finally got a bit of extra time to help train his two team mates. He brought them to Section Thirteen and gave them mission suits.

Kim was a lot more skilled than Ron, so Caster had her train with Viper and Jade. Kim was the only one of the three not to have powers, but she was still very agile and was a quick learner. She and Jade quickly became friends.

Caster left Ron's new training regiment to Agent Tag to help him get in shape as well as learn how to defend himself so he wasn't always running away. It was good that Ron already had his own natural skills, Agent Tag would just be helping to hone those skills.

As for what happened to the monkey statues, Caster has them placed in The Sanctuary, alongside the Demon Archive. Sure, he could put them in the Vault. But the talismans were already there, so he didn't feel like putting all these powerful items in one place.

But he did visit Lo Pei while he was there...
Caster entered Jackie's dojo, which is where Lo Pei was usually found. When Lo Pei saw him, he frowned a little.

" are not Aster." - Lo Pei

"Uh, no, im Caster. His Chi clone. We have all the same memories up until I was born. So I know all about you, you just don't know me. Which is...weird. But, anyways, I wanted to come and ask about this." - C

Blue Chi began to swirl around Caster's hands.

"Strange...light Chi is gold, dark Chi is red. But blue? I've never seen anything like it..." - Lo Pei

He released some of his own Chi, allowing the two energies to mix and interact. He closed his eyes so he could focus on trying to understand the differences between them. Caster patiently waited until Lo Pei opened his eyes.

"'s definitely a form of light Chi, but it draws power from something else too. This energy is not just yours." - Lo Pei

He explained.

"So, im borrowing this power?" - C

"In a way, it's possible..." - Lo Pei

Once Caster explained everything about the monkey statues, Lo Pei determined that it was possible that the Mystic Monkey was an actual deity, who blessed his followers with a portion of his power. Caster was now tied to that deity. Lo Pei wasn't sure what the Mystic Monkey's intentions were, so he was wary. But for now, he felt it was safe to continue using its power...
Monkey Fist was a big concern for Caster. He, too, held the power of the Mystic Monkey. He'd prefer to find a way to severe his connection to it, but he didn't know where he'd even start, or if that would somehow anger the Mystic Monkey. For now, he'd have to keep an eye on Monty.

He was also curious about both Drakken and Shego. Drakken had blue skin and was a mad scientist, so perhaps he'd invent or atleast discover something helpful that Aster could use.

As for Shego, Caster mostly wanted to recruit her. She used to be a hero and had skills. If the world was ever threatened by powerful beings like Shendu, Caster wanted as many heroes to help defend the planet as possible.

'Speaking of, I wonder what he's doing right now...' - C
The Demon Realm

Shendu, still stuck as a spirit, was roaming around the wasteland. The butterfly monster that had been endlessly attacking his siblings had stopped a few weeks ago, but his siblings were still exhausted.

But rather than be fearful of angering their enemy, they sought revenge. If they could find a way back to Earth and regain their Demon Chi, they could rebuild their kingdom, and Shendu would make sure to make Aster and the Chans pay for everything he'd lost...

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