Asmodeus, the Demon Archive

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Aster and Jackie were currently exploring an old, seemingly abandoned castle. Despite nobody living here, it was in shockingly good conditions. Especially the library, which was filled with rows and rows of books.

"It should be...that one!" - JC

He pointed to a red book with golden accents. Aster used Levitato to pull it off the shelves. Rather than a title, it simply had a face of some kind of Japanese Oni on it.

"What is this for again?..." - A

He asked with a little concern. He could feel dark magic within the book.

"Lo Pei says it was written by demon sorcerers, like Shendu. We might be able to use the spells inside against them if they ever return!" - JC

He said as Aster nodded. He opened up a portal, allowing the pair to instantly return to Section Thirteen so Uncle and Lo Pei could study the book.

"The Demon Archive. It's power should allow us to defend against the forces of evil." - Uncle

"Yes! Now leave us! Need to focus on new research project!" - Uncle

He pushed Aster and Jackie out of the room, where Jade was waiting outside the door.

"How are my favorite uncles doing?" - J

She said in an unusually sweet voice...

"Uh, fine..." - A

He said with a little suspicion as they began to walk down the hallway.

"I got an A on my test today!" - J

"Oh, that's wonderful, Jade!" - JC

"Okay, what do you want?" - A

He stopped walking to turn and look at her, folding his arms across his chest and giving a stern look.

"What do you mean?" - J

She asked innocently.

"You're being nice and showing off your accomplishments. Which means you want something. Spit it out." - A

"Weeell, since you brought it up...can I get a tattoo?" - J

"Absolutely not." - A

"No way." - JC

"Whaaat? But-but this kid in my class has one!" - J

"That's not something you should ídolize." - A

"Getting tattoos is a big decision, Jade. You can't just get rid of them when you don't want them anymore." - JC

"But I told the kid I'd get a tattoo too! I have to have one or everyone will make fun of me!" - J

She said in frustration.

"Jade, you've faced literal demons and helped us fight against the Dark Hand and Shendu himself. Is a classroom of first graders anywhere near that scary in comparison?" - A

"Eighth graders..." - J

She grumbled, being stubborn.

"Jade, I get that at your age, validation means a lot to you. But what they think of you doesn't matter. We know who you are. Jade Chan. Certified badass." - A

"Aster! Language!" - JC

He scolded before sighing.

"But he's right. None of those kids could do in a lifetime even half of what you've done in a day." - JC

Jade thought about it before smiling.

"You guys really think I'm a badass?" - J

"Yeah, but don't go throwing that word around or your uncle is gonna kick my-..." - A

He looked at Jackie for a second.

" get the idea." - A

Jade laughed before hugging them both. Jackie then left to grab some lunch, but Aster stayed with Jade. He made sure Jackie was gone.

"...want temporary magic tattoos?" - A

"Yeah!" - J

"That kid is gonna regret the day he tried to outshine my niece!" - A

He grinned as he began to give Jade a few temporary tattoos. They'd wear off after a day or so. And it was nothing inappropriate. So she should be fine. As long as none of the kids were snitches...
Over the next few days, Lo Pei and Uncle relentlessly studied the Demon Archive. They managed to find various spells they were able to use to reinforce Uncle's Shop and Section Thirteen against any ShadowKhan or Demon Sorcerer's.

However, there was something else...

The Mark of Tarakudo.

While it didn't explain who Tarakudo was, it did explain what it was capable of. Once someone drew it on their body, they'd be able to command the ShadowKhan. However, they'd get increasingly corrupted by its dark power, making it completely unusable by anyone who wanted to keep their sanity.

This would lead to Uncle becoming interested in this 'Tarakudo', but all the books and ancient texts on him were in Japanese, so he recruited Tohru to help him. Cause Y'know, Tohru is Japanese.

With the Demon Archive fully researched, Lo Pei called Aster into the dojo where he and Uncle had been doing all their research.

"Aster, you've proven you can handle the safekeeping of the Book of Ages, an artifact capable of incredible power. The Demon Archive, much like the Book of Ages, is not safe in this realm. I ask you to be it's guardian." - LP

He offered the book to Aster. He was a little surprised but accepted it.

"I'll ensure it never falls into the hands of evil. You can count on me." - A

He said with determination. And besides, Eternity needed a genuine companion...
The Demon Archive was the brain child of multiple Demon Sorcerers from across the world and ages. It held curses, hexes, and spells that could make one beg for death.

And now, it was in the hands of a goody-two-shoes teenager. One that decided to give the Demon Archive a will of its own.
Aster watched as a small man emerged from the pages of the Demon Archive. He wore similar robes to Eternity, except instead of gold, he had obsidian black. And instead of being bald, he had a healthy head of black hair.

"Hello, mortal..." - Asmodeus

"Hello, Asmodeus. And before you start trying to convince me to turn the world into my own personal playground, just know that I can turn you back into a normal book whenever I want. Not only that, but this guy will know whatever you're plotting." - A

He pointed to Eternity. He and Asmodeus looked at each other.

"Hm, well, that's one way to suck the fun out of existence...if you aren't interested in the dark side, why give me life?" - Asmodeus

"Light cannot exist without darkness. Yin cannot exist without Yang. There is no hot without cold. I need a balanced council. And besides, hugs, hope, and forgiveness can't be the solution to every problem." - A

He said, thinking back to when he mind wiped Mr. Smith and his butler.

"Why should I help you?" - Asmodeus

Aster pulled out a lighter.

"Asmodeus, ready to serve, master." - Asmodeus

He bowed.

"That's what I thought." - A

He smiled, now having two and a half book guides.

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