Dipping Down

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Aster had been determined to get stronger. He wouldn't, no. He couldn't fail like that again. He would need the power, resources, and army to protect everything he loved.

He began to use SkyWin's time repetition spell to repeat the same day over and over for a few months until he got the desired results. One, greatly improving his karate. And two, perfecting his automaton design.

He then sent the design and blueprints to Pixtopia to have them begin mass production. He also put up reward money for anyone who brings him any of Olga's lost 'sisters'. An educated kingdom is a stronger kingdom.

It would be a while before the first unit of Automatons would be ready. So he then prepared himself for magic training. He ordered Ivory to ensure nobody bother him in his bedroom.

He sat on the bed and put the Book of Spells in front of him. Glossaryck floated out of its pages.

"Glossaryck, I need to get stronger." - A

"Then use Solaria's chapter. Goodbye-" - G

He was about to leave but Aster interrupted him.

"Not physically. Magically. So either you teach me, or I make you open Eclipsa's chapter." - A

He threatened. Glossaryck squinted before sighing.

"Fine. But for this lesson, we must go into my eye." - G

He stretched open his eye until Aster could fit inside. Aster found himself in some kind of cloudy dimension with all kinds of stuff floating around.

He and Glossaryck were sitting on a cloud with a big cauldron full of soup boiling between them.

"Picture this cauldron as the universe. It holds everything together. Everything inside is space, time, and magic. Your wand is this ladle. Notice anything?" - G

He said as he used the ladle to swirl the top of the soup.

"Uh, it's not getting the meat?" - A

"Correct. If you want the chunks, you have to dip down!" - G

He pushed his hands into the soup and brought them back out, his hands full of chunks of meat.

"So...I have to use my wand to use stronger magic?" - A

"No. You have to use your own magic." - G

"What-?" - A

Before he could get more clarification, he got sent back to his bedroom. The Book of Spells was closed. He sighed.

'Didn't even think I could magic without a wand...but it's worth a try.' - A

He began trying to figure out a goal. He settled on moving a cup.

He sat in front of the cup and began to meditate.

"Focus...focus..." - A

He spent an hour meditating and focusing, and yet, nothing. Maybe he needed an incantation?

"Levitato!" - A

He pushed his hand forward...

And nothing.

He sighed at the results.

"I guess I've never really looked into how magic works...but I know someone who does!" - A

He pulled out his dimensional scissors and went to the private library he'd purchased near the edge of Mewni. This is where he'd stored all the books he 'liberated' from St Olga's.

Once there, he began to pick up and read all the books on magic and alchemy. The alchemy books weren't much help, since it was focused more on the science of magic. It reminded him of a more magical version of chemistry.

But the books on magic were more helpful. Apparently most creatures, Mewman and Monster alike, carried magic within them. This magic could take on various forms, or even be labeled as different things.

But the most common way for newbie magic users to activate their magic was with emotion. A powerful emotion could effect magic. This was the same reason his wand would sometimes glow red when he was angry.

When he returned to his bedroom, he tried out the same method as before. He sat in front of the cup and began to focus.

He began to imagine all kinds of things. And eventually he started to think of Marco being in danger. And how angry he felt when he failed to protect him. He began to focus his anger towards the cup.

His eyes glowed with a dark aura as the cup went flying into the wall. He opened his eyes as the aura faded.

"Hm..." - A

He grabbed a notebook and used his wand as a pen as he began to write down everything he's learned. Who knows? It might come in handy.

He began to practice using magic with different emotions. Emotions like anger were erratic and destructive. While emotions like sadness were slow and smooth. The most stable emotions were joy and love, but both were hard for him to control.

Even after an entire week, he couldn't master it. But he was making progress. He could now make the cup fall over 3/10 times without channeling some kind of emotion.

That was progress enough for him. With daily practice, he'd eventually get good enough to be able to use magic properly even without his wand.

With that done, he started to think about what his next mission might be. Fighting more monsters? Helping the kingdom more? Maybe something on Earth? Who knows.

For now he was satisfied with just working on the Automatons for the rest of the day. He wanted various types of Automatons for different purposes, which meant he'd have to design different parts.

Such as making flexible yet durable tentacles for aquatic type Automatons. Or figuring out how to properly build and stabilize the core for a giant Automaton in case they were attacked by something big.

He'd also need to figure out how he'd incorporate them into the kingdom. The best way might just be to present them to his mom as a security force.

Maybe he could sell them to other kingdoms? It would be a good source of income, as well as improving relations. But he didn't want them to reverse engineer his Automatons and making their own versions.

He'd have to focus on his own kingdom first, then. He'd turn it into the largest, and undeniable superpower of the Mewni kingdoms.

With this, he believed he'd made good progress. He was learning how to dip down into his own magic, his Automaton army was finally in development, his potential monster army was...a work in progress. And the Pixtopia army would have to answer to his every call. Not to mention the wand, his allies, and his influence over the Butterfly Kingdom.

But this was just the beginning for him. He'd have to keep getting stronger if he ever faced another Septarian.

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