The Third Talisman - Part 1: The Snake Temple

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Jade, Jackie, and Aster were currently in South America. Brazil, to be exact. They had left Jade behind at the hotel just like last time and now she was following them.

She managed to get to the secret cave behind the waterfall that they went into and looked around. The cave was damp and dark, so she turned on her flashlight and looked around, only to see Aster right in front of her.

"Ahh!" - Jade

She fell back in surprise.

"Jade! We told you to stay at the hotel." - JC

"I think we've established that we can't keep her away. Not from Section Thirteen and not from these missions." - A

He said before using his wand to light up the whole cave.

"Yeah! And it's good that I explore other cultures. And it's educational." - J

Jackie sighed.

"What if the Dark Hand was here too, looking for the snake talisman?" - JC

"I'm sure they aren't far behind...speak of the Devil." - A

He said as they noticed a nearby shadow of a person approaching them. Jade moved behind Jackie as he and Aster prepared for another brawl.

Aster was almost starting to enjoy these little meet ups. They helped improve his fighting skills, improvisation, and healing capabilities.

The shadows stopped moving closer and seemed to stop. So the trio moved forward and peeked to see who it was. And instead of the Dark Hand, they found...a camera man and an Australian guy.

"Welcome to another episode of Just the Artifacts! You're passage to the thrilling world of archeology! I'm your guide, Wesley Rake! And today, I've braved the treacherous anaconda falls to bring you to the lost location of the Temple of Culebra Gigante! Home to a monstrous serpent said to be thousands of years old! And look! This ancient chalk drawing is proof that a cult once worshipped their idol right here!" - Wesley

He said while gesturing to a strange marking on the wall that vaguely looked like it could be a snake. Though it could also resemble noodles.

"As for Culebra itself, well, ain't no snakes here." - Wes

He said smugly.

Back to Aster

Aster was intrigued by the idea of this snake. A giant snake could be a very helpful pet...

"Jackie! He's gonna find the talisman first!" - Jade

"He probably doesn't even know what's in this temple." - A

They were interrupted as Wesley noticed them and had his camera man start filming them.

"Hey! Who are you three? Can't you see we're filming?" - Wes

"He's an archeologist, im a tourist, and this is our assistant." - A

He said confidently. He wasn't really lying, just not telling the full truth.

"Cut! Edit these three out." - Wes

He ordered to the camera man.

"This is our dig! What're you looking for anyway?" - Wes

"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?" - A

"We're just looking for the exit!" - JC

He said as he turned to leave but got stopped as he came face to face with Tohru, Ratso, Chow, and Finn.

"We've really got to stop meeting like this." - Finn

"Agreed. It usually doesn't turn out so great for you guys." - A

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of Evilحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن