Androids - Part 3: Identity

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So, as it turns out, crime in a town like this wasn't nearly as common or as severe as Aster had predicted...which was a good thing!

He expected crime to be significantly lower than in the capital, but still above average in comparison to a city on Earth. Less security, after all. But nope.

It seemed like a majority of the people in this town were genuinely nice, kind people. The only crimes that the Ravens spotted were things like the occasional small time thief, pickpocket, or house burglar.

Each of them were arrested and sentenced to the appropriate punishment. The pickpocket was given community service as well as having a small spell placed on him that would shock him if he ever stole again, the thief had to work to pay off every individual thing they took, and the burglar got a few years in prison.

Any other criminals in the town all went into hiding, turned themselves in, or left to other towns nearby. Aster considered this a complete success. And apparently, so did Moon.

She finally agreed to allow him to start implementing the androids in the capital. It only took about three days to get it all set up.

The guards would join the regular Mewman guards on their patrols, the tanks would act as extra security for important places. And the ravens did their usual job of searching the skies.

Aster was now considering the possibility of making a Rat variation, so they could move more easily on the ground. But that would have to wait.

The first day after all the androids were set up was quite a spectacle. Criminals were being captured left and right. Queen almost struggled to keep up.

But after that day, crime was significantly reduced and it was easier to manage. Though it didn't disappear. The civilians were visibly uneasy about the androids, mostly because of their appearance.

Aster wanted to try and do something to fix that, but Moon stopped him.

"Sometimes it's best to let the people learn on their own. Trust must be forged, not forced." - Moon

She said as she and Aster had tea together. Aster nodded as he observed a magic handmirror. It was connected directly to a Raven, basically allowing Aster to see everything the Raven sees like a camera.

The magic handmirror showed him a mother ushering her curious child away from the android guards. Aster was starting to doubt himself a little. Should he have made them more child-friendly? Or perhaps changed their color?

"I trust your judgment..." - A

He said as he put the mirror down.

"How's that school of yours going?" - Moon

"Hm? Oh, well, if Olga and her sisters have stuck to their schedules, then the students should be going through exams in about a week. I've also opened a class for the adults to attend. It's very popular." - A

"I've heard. What exactly have you been teaching them?" - Moon

"Mathematics, basic science, as well as problem solving skills and teamwork building exorcises. Having a strong, healthy community is important. Plus, I don't want them to keep dying because they don't know the difference between poisonous and non-poisoning berries." - A

"Yes, that really was getting to be an issue...and you wand? Has it been acting strangely?" - Moon

"It's...usually fine. It very rarely distorts or alters my spells. It's not that bad, plus my wandless magic has been improving." - A

He said as he began to focus, and used Levitato without his wand to pick up the teapot and serve himself. It did leave him a bit tired because of just how much focus it took not to break or accidentally drop/throw the teapot, but it was progress!

"How lovely. And what about...her?" - M

She gestured to Queen, who was standing with Ivory and Emerald.

"She's a her, yes. And she's great. She's smarter than I initially expected, and she's been a big help with managing the androids. I plan on rewarding her soon." - A

"With what?" - Moon

"That's a secret." - A

He said with a smile as Queen got a surprised expression.

"How're things with dad and the Magical High Commission?" - A

"Your father is...out on another hunt. You know how he is. The Magical High Commission haven't caused me any trouble recently, in fact they have been rather quiet." - M

He nodded.

"Also...what is like? When you...Y'know." - A

He said, referring to her butterfly form.

"Oh, that? Well, it''s like becoming more whole. It just feels natural. Flying, the extra arms, and the spells! Spells are even stronger in that form." - Moon

"Will I get my own butterfly form?" - A

She nodded.

"When you're ready." -Moon

He smiled a little hopefully.
Aster and Queen were standing on Aster's balcony together, watching the kingdom down below.

"Master, if it's alright, I'd like to ask a question." - A

"Sure, what is it?" - A

"How do I know if...I'm alive?" - Q

Aster opened his mouth to answer before pausing. He had to think about it...

He once considered monsters to all be the same, only alive in the same way animals were. But now...he knew they were more. They were alive, with memories and feelings and personalities...

Could an android have that?

He wasn't sure...

"I guess...that's up to you." - A

"I should I start with trying to be alive?" - Q

"Hm...make friends? Get a hobby, meet new people, feel emotions, both good and bad. whatever feels like you." - A

"...what's the point of a hobby?" - Q

She asked curiously.

"Joy. People feel happy when doing their hobby. Maybe not from the work, but from the happiness of their accomplishments afterwards. Don't you feel joy?" - A

"I suppose...I might've felt it when I proved successful at protecting the town...and again when I found out I surpassed your expectations..." - Q

"Did you like that feeling?" - A

"I think so...but...I also felt a little sad..." - Q

"Why?" - A

"Im...alone...there are no others like me..." - Q

Aster stared at her with sympathy before hugging her to try and cheer her up.

"You don't have to be. We can make more like you when the time is right. And until then, you have me." - A

Queen hesitated before hugging back. The two stayed there for a moment, enjoying the feeling of connection.

"I think it's time for your gift." - A

He said as he pulled away.

"I hereby name you Eve. The name of the first ever human woman in mythology." - A

"...a name..." - Eve

He nodded.

"Something that's yours, only yours." - A

Eve stared at her hands for a moment. She had a strange new sense of identity...

"Thank you." - Eve

She said, a small smile forming on her lips as she kept repeating her name in her mind.


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