Silver Bell Ball

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Moon rang a bell to get the attention of all the royals in the ballroom.

"Kingdoms of Mewni! Each year, we hold this dance to celebrate the peace between us. Welcome! To the Silver Bell Ball!" - Moon

She said while facing a bunch of thrones, where the leaders of each kingdom sat. The princes and princesses were sat nearby, and were facing each other. Like they were playing musical chairs or something.

"The rules of the Ball are the same as always. Each royal heir will dance with all the others, to represent the bonds between our kingdoms." - Moon

The royals of the SpiderBite Kingdom gossiped a little about how Butterfly Castle had been taken over by a rat army a few weeks ago, to which River glared at them to make them shut up. Pony scooted her seat over to be next to Aster's.

"What do you think of this year's lineup?" - Pony

"Eh, same guys as always. But Larry KelpBottom looks different." - A

He said, gesturing to the prince from the WaterFolk Kingdom. Larry had surprisingly bulked up. Larry had fins on his head instead of hair, with green scales and a tail.

"Yeah, someone must've hit him with the hottie stick." - P

She said, Larry not knowing the two were talking about him

"Isn't that your cousin?" - P

She said while referring to the prince from the Johansson Kingdom.

"Yeah...he's a little asshole though. We're not on speaking terms." - A

"Ooo, what happened?" - P

"I don't want to talk about it." - A

Aster's cousin, Prince Rock, had bitten his ankles during the last family reunion.

"Prince Richard looks like he's doing well for himself, though." - A

He said, gesturing to the pigeon wearing mechanical legs that were designed to look human. The Pigeon Kingdom were new blood, but very wealthy. Hence why he they were invited.

"Someone's missing though...isn't this where you two met?" - P

She said, referring to Tom and the Lucitors from the Underworld.

"Yup." - A

"No dramaaa?" - P

She nagged.

"Nope. New ball, new me. I'm keeping it cool." - A

He said as the door to the ballroom burst into flames, as Tom walked in wearing a white and red suit. Behind him were his human dad, Dave, and his gigantic demon mom, Wrath. His mom was so big that her horns nearly knocked down a chandelier.

'Late. As usual.' - A

He thought to himself. ManFred, the announcer for this event, spoke up.

"Will the dancers please stand for the commencement bow." - MF

He said as all the heirs stood up and respectfully bowed to the people across from them. Tom was seated directly across from Aster, and instead of bowing to Aster like a normal ex, he bowed to Richard, who was next to him.

'Childish little jerk...' - A

He said, remembering his training with Lo Pei and trying to not let it get to him.

"Let the first dance begin!" - Moon

She announced as she run the bell. Music began to play as the royals waited for one of the heirs to initiate a dance. Except...nobody did.

"Anyone? Oh! It seems Prince Thomas Lucitor has taken the initiative." - MF

Tom walked up to Princess Jaggs, of the Jagged Mountain Kingdom. They resembled dinosaurs. He asked her for the first dance.

'...I'm fine.' - A

He took deep breaths. Though his parents were offended on his behalf. Tom and Aster always shared the first dance at all the other balls.

"Ooo, you're getting club snubbed baaad!" - P

"I'm above this. I won't let him ruin this for me." - A

He stood up for the next dance, taking the initiative this time and approached Richard.

"May I have this dance?" - A

"Yes, you may." - Richard

Richard spoke in a British accent as the two danced. Though Aster had to do most of the work, because Richard only had legs. Once their dance ended, a silent battle began.

Tom chose to dance with Princess Penelope of the SpiderBites. Aster danced with her immediately after. Followed by Princess Jaggs and Penelope. Then Pony and Rock. Then Pony and Richard. Then Aster and Larry.

The dances continued until all the heirs were done dancing. Which left only two. Aster and Tom. The two approached each other, meeting in the middle of the dance floor.

"May I have this dance?" - A

"Sure." - T

He said as they began to dance.

"So, what was that all about?" - A

"What was what about?" - T

"The club snubbing?" - A

"Club snubbing? Aster, no, I was there on Song Day. I know you and Marco-" - T

"Me and Marco aren't dating. He and I...decided it was better to stay friends." - A

"Ohh...well, I just wanted to do the right thing and give you space. I totally would've danced with you sooner, but I wanted to give you a choice." - T

"By acting like I didn't exist?" - A

"Look, I'm sorry, I'm not exactly used to being nice." - T

Aster took another deep breath. So, he extended an olive branch.

"'s a good look on you." - A

"...really?" - T

"Yeah. Im happy for you...maybe if you and Marco can be friends, so could we?" - A

"That...sounds nice." - T

The two smiled at each other as their dance came to an end. No drama. Just a conversation. They didn't work together romantically. But when they were friends, they were great. They both wanted that back.

"And this concludes, the Silver Bell Ball!" - Moon

The royals and their heirs clapped.

"I forgot what a good dancer you were." - A

He said to Tom as they walked back to their parents.

"Thanks. Would you...wanna get corn shakes or something?" - T

"I'll do you one better. I'll buy you every flavor of slushie from an Earth gas station. I'm gonna give a demon a brain freeze!" - A

They both laughed.

"That sounds great. I'd love to. But uh...what's a slushie?" - T

"Oh, Tom. You have so much to learn." - A

He put an arm around Tom, ready to start teaching his ex boyfriend, and now friend, all about the wonders of the 7/11.

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