Ludo's Army

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Attempt #1

Aster stared at a big cage full of miniature versions of Ludo's army. It was various types of monsters, all reduced to about the size of a small puppy. They were rampaging inside the cage, trying to escape. Aster sighed.

"Listen up!" - A

He commanded as he raised his wand to get their attention, making them stop momentarily.

"Ludo failed you as a leader and mistreated you. And Toffee was willing to let you all die for his own goals. I, on the other hand, am willing to give you a chance. So as long as you behave, I will treat you fairly. But if you don't, then feel free to take your chances out in the Forest of Certain Death." - A

He'd seen it in LobsterClaw and Heinous. Not all monsters were bad. Not all Mewmans were good. And if they could help LobsterClaw and turn him into an ally, then maybe these guys could be helped too...

"I'm going to open the cage now to put in some food for you. If any of you try to escape or attack me, you wont eat for the rest of the day." - A

It was a harsh tactic to punish the group for the crimes of an individual. But it was necessary. He slowly opened the top of the cage, to which the chicken monster attempted to immediately fly out of.

He slapped the chicken back down and pulled away the plate.

"Fine. I'll be back tomorrow." - A

He got up and left, leaving the monsters in disbelief that he'd really just refuse to feed them. They could end up starving in there
Attempt #3

When trying to feed them, the monsters waited for the food to be fully put down before attacking Aster's hand. He hastily used his wand to restrain the attacking monsters and then used Levitato to take away the food.

"Hopefully you will learn to behave better if you want to eat tomorrow." - A
Attempt #7

This time, when he put down the food, some of the monsters held back the aggressive monsters who wanted to attack again. This finally allowed them to see and eat the food.

Corn! The precious treasure of the Mewmans.

"There we go. There's enough there for all of you, so share." - A

He said as he sat down to watch them. Some of them were almost...cute.
Attempt #15

Aside from a few slip ups here and there, the monsters hadn't been attacking him nearly as often. So, he decided to reward them. When he put the food in, he also put in a bag.

The monsters cautiously approached the bag, expecting it to be something dangerous. The four armed BearBeast decided to take the risk and tore a small hole in the bag to peek inside.

It was...fabric?

Upon tearing it open even more, they could see clothes, pillows, and blankets. These would provide a comfort that they hadn't had since their homes were destroyed.

When some of them faced problems with the clothing due to their...unique anatomy, Aster would use magic to alter it. He also began allowing the two plant based monsters to have a few hours in the sunlight.
Attempt #26

The monsters still didn't fully trust Aster. Centuries of oppression couldn't be erased with mere gifts. But they were starting to open up to the idea that maybe he was different, like his grandmother Comet, who once tried to make peace with the monsters.

A select few had been taken out of the cage this time. They were best behaved of the group, and were allowed to live inside of what was technically a very large Barbie mansion. The main difference was that Aster had changed it up so that everything was actually functioning rather than being pure plastic.

These three monsters were: Cliff (Cyclops), Flowey (flower monster), and Bertha (chicken monster

The other monsters were, admittedly, jealous. Those three got to live in luxury in comparison to them.

This did make it more tempting to get on his good side. Plus, Aster wasn't treating them like pets. Rather, like people.

He gave the three best behaved their own names, which was something very uncommon for monsters. The only monsters with names were people of high status, like Toffee, Ludo, Duke Batwin, and Seth the Septarian.

Some of them were now having genuine doubts about what they'd been told about Mewmans. Maybe not all of them wanted to execute them and take their land.

And even if Aster was the only one who didn't fully hate monsters, that was enough. He was prince. If he became king, he could make life better for them...
Attempt #50

A mass majority of the monsters were allowed to move into a sort of neighborhood that Aster had made for them out of Barbie houses. It got so big that it couldn't fit in his room anymore, so he found an empty dimension, set up a magic dome, filled it with water, air, and plants, and allowed them to move in.

Aster briefly considered moving all monsters here. But that would take years and years, plus he'd have to expand the dome constantly until it covered enough land for them all.

But that wouldn't be fair to them. Their homes and land were on Mewni. He wouldn't force them to leave. But for now, this empty dimension would have to do.

The last few monsters who were still reluctant to join Aster were ultimately convinced when they LobsterClaw and BuffFrog visited them.

Both were living happier lives. Neither of them were enslaved or hurt. Both had willingly chosen to follow Aster, and he'd given them homes.

After their visit, the last of the monsters finally gave in and joined the little neighborhood. They wouldn't call Aster their master or king, because he wasn't. But they wouldn't let him die.

He'd swore a magic oath to provide their people a better future. So as long as he lived, he'd have to fulfill that oath. And he fully intended to.
(Aster POV)

Aster sat on his bed, looking at the empty cage with a small smile. He was happy he was able to convince them all he wasn't their enemy anymore.

He was sure some of them might try to escape or betray him at some point. But he'd show them that he was genuine over time. And hopefully that would be enough. A thought then came to his mind.

Is he like Eclipsa?

Eclipsa, the Monster Lover. Anything about her was taboo, and she was the black sheep of the Butterfly family. If legends were true, she abandoned her kingdom to marry her monster husband, and letting her Mewman husband die. It was treason.


What if it was also love? He knew arranged marriages weren't something new. So, what if Eclipsa never loved her Mewman husband and instead fell in love with a monster...

It makes sense that the Mewmans and Magical High Commission would make her seem evil...

He looked at the Book of Spells and opened it to Eclipsa's chapter. The only chapter in the book that was sealed. Only Glossaryck could open it.

Aster stared at it. If he opened it, there'd be no looking back. The dark magic inside could corrupt him. Or it could open his eyes to see a new side of his family's history...

He eventually closed the book. He'd deal with it later. He was under too much stress as it is... he didn't need Eclipsa thrown into the mix.

But someday, he'd open it, and discover the truth.

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