The Seventh Talisman - Part 1: Gnome Cop

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The auctioneer shouted as a painting was sold to the highest bidder. Jackie, and Aster were among the audience, with Aster chewing on some bubblegum as they waited.

Section Thirteen had received a tip that a talisman could be at this auction. Hence why they were here.

One of the staff members brought a lamp up to the auctioneer on the stage for him to display.

"The next ítem is a porcelain lamp featuring a...well, an unusual rat motif." - Auctioneer

He said while showing them the old lamp, which had the Rat Talisman embedded into the side.

"Who would like to bid?" - Auctioneer

"One hundred!" - JC

He said, raising his arm.

"Do I hear one fifty?" - Auctioneer

"Two hundred." - Tohru

He said as he and the Dark Hand goons came in through the side door.

'Just how many times do I need to beat them up till they get a hint?' - A

"Smashing! Do I hear-" - Auctioneer

Jackie and Tohru cut him off as they kept raising the bids, ultimately reaching two thousand dollars.

"Two thousand dollars!" - Auctioneer

"Man, Jackie. Didn't know you had that kind of money." - A

"Going once!" - Auctioneer

"I don't..." - JC

"Going twice!" - Auctioneer

"...not a great example for Jade, but I appreciate the enthusiasm." - A

"Sold! To the man with-!" - Auctioneer

Once more, he was cut off as Tohru grabbed the auctioneer and threw him aside to get to the lamp. The audience gasped as Jackie immediately jumped in, snatching the lamp from Tohru. Aster then aimed his wand at Tohru.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" - A

He said jokingly, only for Tohru to start actually floating, giving Jackie enough time to smash the lamp, grab the talisman, and run.

'Didn't think that'd actually work...note to self, look into Harry Potter spells.' - A

He said before chasing after Jackie, who was being chased by ShadowKhan.

"Holy Light!" - A

He shouted, causing his wand to release a very bright light that weakened the ShadowKhan just long enough for Aster to catch up to Jackie and for the two to jump over a fence together, though they still got chased by the ShadowKhan.

Aster opened a portal as quickly as he could to Section Thirteen and managed to pull Jackie threw right as the ShadowKhan threw ninja stars at them, just narrowly saving them both. Aster let out a sigh of relief.

"Those things are really dangerous..." - A

"Tell me about it." - JC

He said while examining the Rat Talisman. Aster then thought about the ShadowKhan for a moment.

'Shendu is a powerful magic user, even stronger than me. But the All Seeing Eye never showed me anything about ShadowKhan...maybe it's a new ability?' - A

He thought. He could only come up with theories at to the origin of the ShadowKhan. Using the All Seeing Eye on Shendu only worked because Aster understood enough about the talismans for it to work.

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