Friends to the End

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Aster, Marco, and Janna were hanging out at Marco's house. They were looking through the various strange cards and coupons in Marco's wallet.

"A coupon for ballet shoes? Why do you even have this?" - Janna

"For your information, they're incredibly comfortable." - M

He said while bringing them nachos.

"If you don't like what's in my wallet, don't go through it." - M

"Hmm...what's this? Is this that Quest Buy gift card I got you? Dude, it's about to expire! You have to use it." - A

"What happens if it expires? Does it explode?" - M

"What? Nooo...that's crazy...let's go! B-R-B Janna! I'll buy you a skull or something." - A

"Sweet." - Janna

She said as Aster opened a portal to Quest Buy. He and Marco entered together. It was a massive labyrinth of various magical goods.

"Let's see. Skullaroid camera for taking pictures of ghosts, haunted garden gnomes, shrunken heads..." - A

"This is why I hate shopping. I can never choose!" - M

"Calm down. We've got until midnight to buy something. I'm sure we'll find something." - A

He said as they walked through various isles of strange objects.
"Hey, Marco? Dont mean to rush you, but it's almost midnight..." - A

"I told you, I hate shopping! And it's not like Quest Buy has the most safe products." - M

He said while poking a necklace that tried to bite him.

"It had products from over 100 dimensions! There has to be something you want." - A

He said as he followed Marco from isle to isle.

"If you're gonna rush me, I'm just going to buy something I don't really want to exchange later." - M

The gift card floated out of Marco's wallet and then shot a laser at his hand.

"Ow!" - M

"Oh, I forgot to mention. This is a 'friends to the end' gift card, so you have to truly, deeply want the item you choose or it won't work..." - A

"Why would anyone buy this thing?!" - M

"To ensure they get something they really like! Now come on!" - A

He said as they began to look through all kinds of items, searching for something Marco might like. They came close, but none of them were ever fully good enough.

"Can't we try to get it extended or something?" - M

"We can try, but the staff is never helpful..." - A

He said as they went up to a customer service desk.

"Excuse me?" - A

"It's not my department." - Sloth

"But you're customer service." - M

"Oh, yeah...sigh how can I help you?" - Sloth

"Can we extend the expiration date of this gift card?" - A

"Sure." - Sloth

He took the card and looked at it.

"Oh, no, nevermind. This is a Friends to the End gift card. It's immune to change and when it expires, so do you." - Sloth

"What?! Like, we die?" - M

"Yup. All here in the contract your friend signed." - Sloth

He showed them a digital contract.

"Why would you buy this?!" - M

He looked to Aster

"Why didn't you use it?!" - A

"Ugh! This is getting us nowhere!" - M

He and Aster both ran off to find something.

"Marco! There's ten minutes left!" - A

He said as the card began to fire more lasers at them to 'encourage' them.

"Who designed this card?!" - M

"Why do you have to be so picky?!" - A

They shouted until Marco finally saw it. The ultimate gift. A highly secure wallet. But Aster got a shiver up his spine, like he was being watched. He turned around and only got a glimpse of someone who quickly hid in the aisle they were in. He raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off.

"This is's ultimate privacy!" - M

He said as he approached it.

"It's even my favorite color!" - M

Aster blasted open the glass.

"Quick! Get it to the cashier!" - A

He said as he began using magic to fight the card, which flew right past him once it blasted the wand out of Aster's hand. Before the card could attack Marco, a portal opened up in front of it and it got crushed into pieces by a fist.

From the portal, a buff septarian man with a gem in one of its eyes stepped out.

"Princes. My name is Rasticore Chaosus Disastorvayne. Miss Heinous sent me. Prepare to-" - Rasticore

He got interrupted as the card shocked him, refusing to surrender. Marco managed to use this opportunity to finally buy the privacy wallet.

"Contract f-fulfilled..." - Card

The card finally exploded, sending Rasticore's arm (the only thing left of him) back through the portal he came from.

Aster was both relieved, and worried. He'd gotten Marco a nice gift, but now he knew Miss Heinous was out there, seeking revenge. That put atleast four major enemies targeting him and Marco. Toffee, Ludo, Miss Heinous, and Mina Loveberry.

He knew Mina would never work with monsters, so she could be dealt with later on. Miss Heinous no longer had the resources that she had before, so she was a lesser but still significant threat. Ludo and Toffee had worked together before. They might do it again. And this time, Ludo had magic on his side...

He tried to calm himself as he paid for the damages they caused with the card and then took Marco home. And right as they left, a green glow briefly filled one of the aisles before vanishing just as quickly as it appeared. Janna had barely moved from the couch and was just eating nachos.

Marco tossed her his new wallet.

"Try to hack that, Janna!" - M

She looked curious so she began trying. Lock picking, hammer, and even throwing it into fire. But nothing! Marco felt relieved and proud, until she actually unlocked it...

"How?!" - M

"I have your finger prints." - J

"Why?" - A

"Better to be prepared." - J

"Hm..." - A

"Gimme back my wallet!" - M

"Come and get it!" - J

She began to run around the house with Marco chasing her, trying to retrieve his wallet. Aster smiled as he watched and stayed out of it.

He then grew curious. If Rasticore was a septarian bounty hunter, then there were likely other septarians still out there. They'd mostly disappeared ever since the death of their leader, Seth. But now, both Toffee and Rasticore had shown up around Aster.

Septarians were always a fearsome type of monster. A true threat to Mewni because of their superior regenerative abilities. So if the septarians managed to unite and gather a new army of monsters, it could lead to another Mewman-Monster War...

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of EvilМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя