Experiment Log #4

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Experiment: Welko

Codename: 074

Description: Welko is a pink, balloon-shaped doglike experiment with dark blue eyes, orbs on either side of her head, big red lips, and a red heart-like tail. Her hind legs appear to be vestigial nubs, and she seems to be constantly levitating.

Abilities: Indestructible Bubbles

Notes: her bubbles usually only last about thirty minutes, but that's long enough for her to capture anyone causing trouble. She works as an agent of HEROES Island, though she also works closely with the security team.
Experiment: 077

Codename: Zawp

Description: Zawp is a fat, purple sloth/wombat-like experiment with black claws, a dark blue stripe around his torso between his chest and stomach, a dark blue circle on the top of his head, dark blue-striped ears, small beady eyes, a larger belly and a slightly smaller, gold nose

Abilities: Snoring

Notes: Aster didn't feel like this experiment could be very helpful, so he gave him a soundproof room to sleep in.
Codename: Clink

Description: Clink is a big, green mouthless crab-like experiment with two stalked, lime-green eyes, six legs, two large claws, and a clear container window on his chest.

Abilities: Containment

Notes: Clink can split himself in half to capture and contain his opponents. When split, each half has their own consciousnesses until they rejoin. He works as part of the security team.
Experiment: 102

Codename: StopGo

Description: Stopgo is a yellow experiment with a long, narrow neck like a traffic pole, and a traffic light-shaped head with a green and red light (most likely his eyes, oriented vertically) on each side of his head.

Abilities: Lights

Notes: due to the nature of his abilities and his physical appearance, he now works as a traffic light for the streets of HEROES Island.
Experiment: 103

Codename: Stamen

Description: Stamen is a tan-grey, upside-down ice cream cone-shaped, koala-like experiment with an oval body, little arms and legs, big ears with a black silhouette of a stamen inside, a big mouth, no tail, black eyes, a round blue nose, and rabbit-like ears.

Abilities: Bee Attraction

Notes: his purpose was to pull bees away from where they were needed and prevent pollination, now he does the opposite and helps the bees pollinate the plant life on HEROES Island.
Experiment: 110

Codename: Squeak

Description: Squeak is a small red mouse-like experiment, wearing a blue hat

Abilities: Talking

Notes: Squeak has yet to stop talking since his re-activation. However, Aster can't just deactivate him again. So he sent him off to Nani's place and had him put up for adoption.
Experiment: 111

Codename: Mulch

Description: Mulch is a red experiment with a blue nose, three tendrils on his back, gray patches around his eyes, white markings on his chest, stomach and rear that resembles a push-mower

Abilities: Mowing

Notes: he helps maintain the grass on HEROES Island. Though he sometimes needs a staff member to watch over him because he keeps getting lost.

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