Time Trip

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Aster was currently in what used to be Quest Buy's dimension. He wanted to test his super speed. Sure, he knew he could go fast. But he also knew that the rabbit talisman had gained the ability to travel through time if it went fast enough.

And since he wasn't sure what kind of effects that would have on his environment, he decided to conduct the experiment here. He was fully prepared to change his clothes if the time period required it.

He took a few deep breaths and got ready before booting as fast as he could in one direction. Green electricity began to zap around his body as he went faster and faster until he eventually felt himself phase through some kind of barrier and ran right into a shelf.

"Ow, fuck!" - A

He said as he stumbled back. He looked around and was...surprised. He was still in the same dimension, except...well, Quest Buy was here. He heard the familiar sound do Marco's shouting and peeked out of his aisle, and saw a familiar scene. His past self and Marco were almost getting laser blasted by the Friends To The End gift card.

"Who designed this card?!" - M

"Why do you have to be so picky?!" - A

They shouted at each other until Marco saw the perfect gift. But past Aster paused and turned around, almost spotting present Aster, who quickly took a step back to avoid being seen.

'Woah...I remember that day! Wait, so I saw my future self, but now I'm that future and that's my past, so the original future me was from the present...and I was from the past?' - A

Aster felt very confused about how all of this worked. But after thinking about it for a while and listening to Marco and past Aster break glass to get the perfect gift, he settled on a theory.

Time flows like a river. Every part of it is flowing. Which meant he'd already done this exact test an infinite amount of times since...forever? It's just that the current him was only now experiencing this point in time.

'But what if I do something that changes the future? Like showing myself to my past self...but then if I did that, I would've already remembered that happening in the past, unless I cause an alternate timeline to be created?' - A

Even with his theory, this was all very confusing. So he left his past self and Marco alone and simply moved on, getting a running start and leaving this point in time, causing the aisle he was in to be filled with a green glow for just a moment until he disappeared.

When he phased through, what he presumed to be time itself, again, he found the same empty dimension he originally came from.

'Did I accidentally go back to the present?' - A

He said as he opened a portal to Mewni to see if he really did mess up. Instead of finding the modern Mewni, specifically Butterfly Castle, he found a less developed version.

'Huh...' - A

He walked through the portal and roamed the castle a bit. Everything felt so familiar, and yet...different. It wasn't until he saw a portrait in one of the hallways of a young Moon taking up the throne that he realized where he was. The year grandma died...

'...' - A

Aster had briefly met her in the magic dimension. She'd helped him when he needed it most. He could try to save her...but that would mean altering the timeline. And just the smallest change could lead to disaster...

"I'm sorry..." - A

He muttered while staring at the portrait.

"Sorry for what?" - Young Moon

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