Chapter 19

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"Nandini, are you okay" I manage to catch her before she hit the floor.

"Nandini, Nandini, wake up" I patted her cheeks and called frantically but she wouldn't respond.

I covered her half naked body through my blazer. I clenched my fist when the thought how he was trying to undress her crossed my mind.

That bast*rd

I lifted her arms as slowly as I can; I make her wear my blazer. Till now she was completely unconscious.

I lifted her in my arms and walked towards the back door of the hotel. I didn't want anyone to see her in this condition. When I came down, I called watchman to help me, he pulled my phone out and called my driver.

Within 5 minutes he arrived and I placed her on the backseat of car and I kept her head on my lap, allowing her to sleep on the backseat. Driver started driving, I looked towards her carefully, her hairs were messy, there was cut on her forehead, nail marks on her palms, teeth engraved around her neck, I look away from her. I took her hand in my hand in my hand, I caressed it softly. That fearless loud mouth girl is way better than this lifeless dead yet alive body. I swallow the vile in my throat and blink away the thoughts of his hands on her body.

I'm going to kill that bast*rd once I get my hands on him.

Thankfully no one was around when I reached I didn't want Mukti to see her in this condition. I climbed the stairs and pushed the door.

I placed her on the bed and I quickly covered her with the blanket. I dialed our family doctor's number and told her to come over my place. She told me that she will be here soon.

I grabbed the first aid box out and cleaned her wounds. Doctor arrived in next 20 minutes. She examined her carefully.

"What is wrong with her doctor? Is she okay?" I questioned.

"Everything is fine, I have given her sedatives and she needs rest but soon she will be fine" I felt relieved after hearing those words. I took a moment to register them; I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them again. I just wanted to calm myself down.

"Mr. Malhotra I want to ask you something"

"Yeah sure"

"Mr. Malhotra it is a personal question but as a doctor I think I can suggest you something better but first I need the confirmation, was she involved in some fight? Or someone tried harassing her? I can see the marks on her neck and wrist" she inquired, I didn't have the courage to look at her. The entire incident flashed in front of my eyes.

"Umm.. yes we were in party and it happened there, one of my business partner tried harassing her" I answered.

"Please take of her, for a woman it could be really really disturbing not only physically but emotionally and mentally too" she said and I registered everything she said. She suggested me some medicines and other stuff and after sometime she left.

I pushed the door; there she was lying unconscious on the bed. I moved closer to the bed. I noticed her tiny trail frame, cut on her forehead. Her hairs fell over her face which was titled to one side but I hated the fact that how life less the girl looked. I would appreciate if she wakes up and draw the same nose and horns, she drew on my picture or she would change my ringtone. She can do anything, whatever she want to do, I want her to wake up and blink her eyes, talk nonsense but her silence was troubling me. My eyes fell on her feet; I touched her feet and removed her sandals.

I held her palm and laced her fingers with mine. I wanted her to reply, I wanted her to yell at me for touching her. I wanted her to fight with me but she just chooses to stay quiet, she looked lifeless. I tucked the hair strained behind her ears which was falling on her face. I rubbed my hands on her cheeks, I needed to tell myself that she was okay, she was fine, nothing is wrong with her. I wanted to listen her melodious tone but she was lying there like a lifeless statue, completely clueless about her condition.

What could have happened if I wouldn't have reached on time, I felt angry when the thought crossed my mind. That mother fuc*er I will not leave him, he can't get away like this.

For a long time I sat there, staring at her innocent face. I heaved a sigh and arched my back on the head rest. I closed my eyes for a much needed slumber.

"Leave me.. leave me.. leave me.." Her sudden voice pulled me out from my sleep; I woke up with a jerk. She was whimpering in panic stricken voice. Her eyes were closed and she was moving her hands and legs.

"Nandini, I'm here you are fine there is no one" I rubbed her hands and forehead to calm her down.

"Nandini, stop it there is no one open your eyes, you are safe" I tried to comfort her but she was still in the same condition. My heart nearly jump out of my chest; it was hard for me to see her in miserable condition. It was almost like she had got fits and was trying to free herself from someone's grip. I held her close to my chest and I rubbed her back softly.

"It's okay it's okay, you are fine, open your eyes" he comforted her softly. I took water jug from the table and sprinkled some water on her face. She gasped as the cold water trickled down from her sweaty face. She slowly opened her eyes and I ruffled her hairs.

"You are fine, he is gone, see it's me relax" she hid her face in my chest and I wiped her tears with the help of my thumb.

"He is still there, he.. he" she mumbled, pointing towards a shadow.

"There is no one, he is gone, it's just a shadow" she sobbed harder clinging to my chest and kept mumbling. I took a deep breath and I composed myself. I tenderly brushed her head and cheeks. I poured a glass of water and she sipped the water slowly.

"Koi nahi hain waha par or koi tumhe nuksan nahi phuchega mere hote hue" I cupped her cheeks, and she exhaled deeply. I tried relaxing her; she clutched my hand tightly and gripped her softly. I softly caressed the brushes on her wrist and she winced in pain. She had coiled herself like a ball around my body, her cheek rubbing my chest.

"Ab so jao you need rest, kuch nahi hoga I'm here okay" I slowly pulled the blanked around us and she nodded. I wrapped her around my body and she closed her eyes, I kept ruffling her hairs until she fall asleep.

Nandini's p.o.v.

The strong sunrays pricked my eyes and I looked away, burying my face in pillow. I opened my eyes and felt a sudden pain in my head. I looked around to settle myself with the surrounding, it was my room. I pressed my temple. I was still trying to get rid of the pain when the door was pushed open.

It was Manik, he came inside, he had a breakfast tray in his hand along with a glass of juice.

"Good morning" he wished me and kept the tray aside. I looked at him with a straight face.

"How are you feeling now, are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. He offered me the glass of juice and I took it from his hand. I took a sip and he sat beside me.

"I will seek for revenge"

"I don't like to repeat myself you will have to come"

"It was his plan" Suddenly last night flashed in front my eyes and I was able to hear the noises. I tried remembering what happened after I lost my conscious state but I couldn't remember anything.

"Why are you trying to pretend when you were equally involved?" I mumbled inaudibly and he didn't respond maybe because my voice wasn't loud enough and it didn't reach his ears.

"Here have it" he took the glass of juice when I finished it and offered me breakfast. He waited for my reaction but I was too shocked to say anything. He bought the sandwich close to my mouth, trying to feed me. I pushed it away and next moment the plate met the floor.


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