Chapter 64

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That's a good thing that you people are enjoying edited version of the story when I started I thought I wouldn't get a single view on it but I'm about to cross 50k and it's a big thing. Thank you so much for reading it again. Now here is the update enjoy it. Do leave your feedback in comment section.

"Manik, you wanted to meet me all of sudden, is everything alright?"

"Navya, I have been asking you about Nandini's health, you always told me that everything is fine with her then why she's writing such sad letters? See this, I got it from her drawer." I thumped the letter in her hand. Her nose wrinkled in distaste. She appeared disturbed, I could see personal battle happening beneath her eyes. I got angry when she pretend to read the letter carefully, she could've confessed but no she had to reconfirmed it. She went silent after reading the letter. I hold my breath, waiting for her answer, the anxiety inside me was building to an almost unbearable pitch.

"Manik, I can't keep it away from you anymore. she has server complications in her pregnancy, her womb is not strong enough to carry a child so we can't go for the normal delivery and Cesarean might put her life in danger, months ago I had warned Nandini against it. I suggested her to go for an abortion but she denied." She revealed, her words chilled my bones till an extent of getting cracked and break down into fragments.

"And you are telling all of this now, 10 days before her delivery. Seriously what kind of a doctor you are? Weren't you suppose to inform me before, on the same day you informed her." I said, it came out far colder than what I had intended. I was literally breathing in fire. I could feel my nerves popping out of my forehead, making it difficult for me to breath.

"I wanted to but Nandini stopped me. She didn't want to go for an abortion." Her words exasperated my anger, what did she mean by Nandini wanted it? Wasn't it her responsibility to stop her? She allowed her to take such drastic step.

"Cut the crap Navya, I seriously can't believe it. I kept asking you and you lie to me bloody all the time. As her doctor it was your duty to look after her and be loyal to her family. You stayed silent because Nandini wanted to, you allowed her, you supported her in all this." I retorted, I tried to breath but couldn't because of the fuming lava that was bubbling inside me. My heart swelling with so much disgust I was afraid I'd be exploding any moment.

"I know Manik I shouldn't have listen to her even I regret but she tricked me by saying she wants to wait until she's three months pregnant and then see how it turns out. I warned her by saying it will be too late to go for an abortion but she didn't listen to me. Nandini is not only my patient but my dear friend as well, I never treated her as my patient. I care for her life Manik but in the end I can't interfere in her personal life. I can only suggest her but can't take decision on her behalf." She explained, her voice lower than mine. I could see that she was trying hard to stay calm in front of my rage.

"I don't care Navya, what Nandini want is not the point Navya the point is you kept it away from me. I can see how you pay back in friendship. You put her entire life in danger. I didn't expect it from you, I'll destroy your career if anything happens to my wife." I was out of breath when I finished. She gasped in horror, her eyes began to water, drenching her cheeks in between. She harshly wiped them off.

"What? So you think it's all my fault well then let me tell you everything. I ain't the actual reason behind it in fact it's you, didn't you tell her that you want her to go for it no matter what the condition is, I very well know what kind of equation you share with her so don't even try to show me your fake concern. Nandini didn't tell you anything because she knew that you will choose your baby over her. Through out the time I have seen her suffering because of you and you have the audacity to question my friendship and commitment regarding my work. Let me put it straight, you are the soul behind her condition Manik. Her life is in danger because of you." She acussed, her face red, her eyes spitting fire. I couldn't manage to utter a single word. The same lips that express so much anger a moment ago were now shut tightly. I had no more courage left to look into her eyes as I was helpless by my own deeds. I silently left her apartment because I couldn't argue more, she didn't try to stop me.

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