Chapter 62

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Me and Mukti settled down on the back side of the car. Chauffeur locked the door and pressed the escalator, engine roared to the life and the car began to move. Mukti showed me time, clearly telling me that we were half an hour. It was 8:30 in the evening we were supposed to reach there at this time but we were still in our car. It was half an hour long drive across the city to the hotel which Manik and Mr. Khurana booked for the press conference. I wasn't going but I had to because of Mukti. Manik left early with his mother to make some arrangements.

We reached our destination after slipping through few miles. Driver parked the car in parking area. Mukti opened the door and helped me to get out of the car. I started to move in while cautiously taking in my surroundings.
We reached outside the hotel. It was a beautiful building outside the city. It had 5 floors all curved with glass. It looked plush and modern. There were a number of trees surrounding the property and the area nearby was filled with only and only greenery around. The place had it's own plantation which consisted of all kinds of colourful flowers trees and shrubs. It was indeed a beautiful place close to nature.

"Madam, here is the way." Watchman directed us towards the main hall after greeting us. I had clad myself in a formal cotton saree so I could walk with my baby bump without feeling uncomfortable. We were approached by the manager after reaching on the door. He led us  towards a white leather buttoned L-shaped couch.

I shook my head to register the surroundings. The press conference was like a big room. Everything else was white – ceiling, floors, and walls except the wall that had a huge painting hanging on it. It was painted in pastel colors which added stars on the beauty of the hall. The room had a sufficient numbers of outlets for laptops, TV cameras, lighting and all the other things necessary for a press conference.

Chief editor of news channels and other few senior reports were on the first row and rest were occupied by magazine writers and print media generalist. They all were wearing formals and an identity card in around their neck.

I looked straight to find Manik, dressed in a fine gray suit, white shirt, and black tie. He was sitting on the leather chair along with mother Mr. Khurana and few other board members of Malhotra Industry.

Aman took his position on the podium and rechecked everything. He began to speak when he was done with rechecking.

"Ladies and Gentlemen Malhotra Industry and I Aman Khanna Product Manager of Malhotra Industry are very pleased to welcome you to our press conference. As you all know we are here to talk about our new hotel project. I would like to invite Mr Manik Malhotra on the stage to  speak more about the project." He called Sammer, his voice booming through the hall. Manik graced the podium with his presence. Reports turned their cameras on to record his speech. He held the mike close to his mouth and started speaking.

"Good Evening ladies and gentlemen.  I Manik Malhotra Managing Director of Malhotra Industry is grateful to all of you for coming here and for giving us your precious time. You all know that Me and Mr. Kartik Khurana we were working on a hotel project which was supposed to be country's biggest hotel but there is a change in the plan and that change is the main reason why we choose to postpone the conference. I apologize for postponing the event."

"Coming back to the discussion, I would like to tell you about the changes in the plan. We have replaced the hotel project now we'll be constructing a hospital on the same land. Mr. Kartik Khurana will construct the building for us. Hospital will be owned by Child Heaven's orphanage. We have named the project 'Ashray' In 'Ashray' we will treat all the handicapped and sick children. Entire treatment will be free for them and Malhotra Industry will take care of the fund." When he finished everything went silent, you could hear even the drop of pin in that silent. I gazed at him with so many emotions in my eyes. So this was his next move and he purposely kept the secret wrapped up in covers. So he could use it for this moment. I was surprised to see how conveniently he switched his side. Firstly it was easy for him to leave me stranded in the middle of nowhere with nothing to hold on and then again come back to me with a sorry face. 15 days ago he came to know about everything but he never approached me, he never cared to apologized until now. He just went back to being normal as if nothing ever happened between us.

"But Mr. Malhotra it was your late father's dream right. I remember once you told the reason of building the project. What happened to that dream?" Chief editor Mr. Sharad Panwar asked. He raised his eyebrows, a sharp gleam appeared in his eyes and an ugly frown covered his face.

"My father died years ago, he may rest in peace. I don't wish to hold onto him anymore." He answered, his voice was firm enough to cancel all the chance of arguments.

"Mr. Malhotra, Mr Khurana's company is investing in your project and as far as we know they have invested hefty amount of money in your project. You can't ditch him on the last moment." I spared a look in Mr. Khurana's direction, his twisted face showed that he wasn't pleased with Manik's decision. He wanted to break the contract, I can tell just by looking at his face but I couldn't understand what held him back. My eyes followed his mother's side, she looked comfortable and cool as if she already knew about everything.

"I agree and I genuinely apologized for the last moment changes but me and Mr. Khurana have sort it out. He agreed for everything in fact he's helping us out."

"What about the loses that yours and Mr. Khurana's company will suffer?"

"Malhotra Industry will be paying it. We will take care of all the loses. Mr. Khurana won't be burdened." Manik's answer satisfied my curiosity till an extent. He stayed back because Malhotra industry was taking care of the all the loses.

One by one, a great amount of questions came out. The sudden change in plans were enough to gain media's attention. They were both suspicious and excited about it as it was enough to give them lots of TRP. They will butcher the news to use for their own benefits.

"Is there any special reason behind your decision Mr. Malhotra?" One person from print media questioned.

"Yes, my wife Nandini Malhotra is the reason." He replied, my eyes flare momentarily in surprise. I gazed at him, the intensity of his dark, possessed, fierce gaze paralyzed my senses. I felt my skin burning with the hot blood rushing fervently in my veins.

"Your wife is the reason? How? Can you explain it to us in details?" Another generalist from the same newspaper added. My heart skipped a beat when his mouth came close to the mike. He was going to confess everything in front of everyone.

"Where to start? I honestly have no clue. Nandini trust me this is the hardest and toughest thing I've ever done in my life. I'm going to apologize for everythingthing but I know apology wouldn't change anything between us. A mere word like sorry cannot erase my mistakes still I'm going to do it because owe it to you." He paused, his face was a mixture of a variety of emotions which was making it more difficult to individually point out any.

"I'm going to start from the beginning; I'm sorry for hurting you emotionally by punishing you for the crime you never committed which is our unwanted marriage. I behaved so rude with you at the beginning, I know you're still in pain from that, and always will be it's been subsisting but it's still there, the hate and disgust you have for me; I can see it, I can hear it in your voice and I know it. I'm sorry for that because it wasn't just once but twice it happened. I've been nothing but awful to you."

"It was a rocky road to get back and see you again, but it did happen and that made me feel so blessed. You know, you have a big and kind heart that loves everyone for their flaws and more. I'm sorry I took advantage of that, I'm sorry that I was selfish, I am sorry for ruining everything that we had, I'm sorry for pushing you, telling you that I hate you. I'm sorry for not trusting you I'm sorry for all the pain, confusion, tears, anger and everything you have gone through because of me. I wish I could go back in time and erase all the things I have done in past. Believe me I Nandini I regret everything. Don't think that I'm fulfilling your dream just to get your apology. No it isn't true, you don't have to give me anything in return. I'm doing this because I want to, its just a little try from my side. You have done so much for me. I never did anything for you so it's my turn now."

"I love you, iI know I have never expressed my love properly but today I want to in front of the whole world, I LOVE YOU Nandini.
I care for you, I always have and always will. I wish and hope you could forgive me one day."
I stood there motionless still wandering back in that harsh memory lane. It was as if everything was coming back to haunt me, all the memories both beautiful and horrible rushed back to me.  I was lost, I was confused, I was mad, I was hurt and all this was happening to me again and again.

"Malhotra, I'm not feeling well. Can we please leave this place?" I excused because I didn't want to stay here for another. I don't care if he is guilty or not, I don't give a damn about him and his speech. If he thought that we could get back so easily then he was wrong because I was done with him. I was done playing weak. I was no toy to be played with and thrown whenever and however he felt like.

"Nandini, but Bhai and the press conference"

"It's okay Mukti, I understand that you don't want to come. I can manage."

"What no.. Nandini I know you are completely fine and even I know why you want to leave this place. Please Nandini stay here for a while. Bhai is trying hard, atleast don't walk on his face." She requested, I could feel the guilt settling inside me as I heard his vulnerable voice. I couldn't focus on his words but his voice sounded painful. If I were him I would've definitely felt bad if someone I loved would walk out on me like this but I can't stay here anymore. It's killing me from inside with each passing second. I was done listening to him.

"Are you coming or not?" I threatened.

"Nandini please stay here. Please, I beg of you, don't leave him like this." She begged in her rasping, sore throat voice. I ignored the pang of unwelcomed sympathy that I felt for both of them.

"I'm going" I stood up to walk.

"Fine, I'm coming." She agreed and followed my steps.

"Mr. Malhotra, what do you have to say about Mr. Malhotra's confession? You are the soul reason behind this change. How do you feel about it?" All the reporters gathered around me.
I was going to blurt some nasty words but somehow controlled my tongue because I knew they were trying to instigate me so they could use the news for their profit.

"I'm not the reason behind anything. I'm feeling sick. Please, let me go." I replied harshly. I strode out, gulping down all the emotions that rose in the back of my throat.

"Mrs. Malhotra, please one question" I heard them yelling behind my back but I didn't turn back. There was no way I was going to answer them. My personal life is none of their business.

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