Chapter 43

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Manik's p.o.v.

I gunned the engine and peeled out. Sadness over took me, when the car started moving. It was like leaving a part of me behind or walking without having a soul in my body. I drive through the city towards the highway. I opened the window because I felt claustrophobic. In our childhood we all are told that we are born to be loved and nurtured, and do the same for others but in my childhood no one ever told me that I wasn't born to be loved, I wish someone would have but no one gave me the much needed reality check.

I gripped the steering wheel tight as tight as I could, it would have pierced my hand if it was sharp. Soon I was driving through the deserted lone, scary roads, which were covered by dense trees on either side.

Her words were reverberating in my ears again and again. They were like a knife permanently lodged in my chest. I wasn't angry with her but with myself. How could I expect from life to give me something as good as Nandini? No it wouldn't. She had changed my life in a way that I could never imagine.

But it was all an illusion. A mirage!

A cruel joke life played on me.

I should have known before getting into this. It would not last forever the way other things in my life didn't, I should have guessed.

But why me? Like always why me?

Why did it always happen with me?

Why life mercilessly snatched everything I love. I never had happy childhood, warmth of a mother, support of father. I grew up alone, no one ever taught me the difference between right or wrong.

What was my fault in all this? Whose karma I was paying for?

My phone was ringing continuously, she was trying to call and this was her third call. I pressed the red button and disconnected the call but in few seconds it started ringing again. Why the hell is she trying to reach at me now?

What is still left? What happened was it not enough? She said it on my face that she wouldn't choose me over her father. She wouldn't fight with him, for me, for us. She just wouldn't do anything at all.

"She can never choose anyone over her father."

Yeah why would she? Who the hell I'm in her life? I'm just no one.

Her words and choice shattered my entire existence. I was waiting for her to deny, say something in favor of us but she didn't oppose, she didn't even a word say in return. It hurt me; it hurt my ego, and the love I have for her.

My thoughts were broken by the sound of my phone. This time I picked it up.

"Nandini, why can't you just understand one thing? I want to say alone and I don't want to talk to you so leave me alone." I was about to disconnect the line but I stopped when I heard her panic stricken voice.

"I said stay away from me." I heard a voice of tight slap.

"You bit*h, how dare you" the other person yelled at her.

"Nandini, are you there? Hello, hello." I called her little loudly but there was no response from her side.

"Help, someone please help" she was shouting for help.

"Stay where you are bit*h, let me teach you a good lesson." I heard someone shouting over the phone.

"Leave me, I said leave me alone." She protested, I could hear someone's laugh. Is she following me? Has she come out at this time of night?

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