Chapter 69

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When I woke up I saw the little one in her father's arms. Manik was pacing the room with his daughter in his hand. He was smiling all the time. I admired his childlike innocent smile. I had never seen him so happy. That smile went missing when our relationship crashed down but now it was back on his lips and the whole credit goes to this little life.

"Nandini," his voice bought me out of my reverie.

"How are you feeling?" He sat beside me with his daughter sleeping in his arms.

"Better" he adjusted a pillow behind my back so I could sit properly.

"Our daughter Nandini" he declared, his eyes were twinkling with joy. He extended his hand and gestured me to take her from him. I encircled my arms around her. She was tiny enough to fit in the palm of my hand. Touching her brought the strangest sense of relief - all the pain that I went through suddenly ceased.

I admired her face. She was perfect, with her tiny fingers, eyes, ears, nose. I couldn't stop looking at her little, innocent face. Her shrimpy fingers curled over mine and I felt the warmth of her bundled body in my IV-threaded arms.

Until yesterday, this little girl was breathing inside me and now she's breathing in my arms.
I was overjoyed and overwhelmed. There was no greater reward for the fear and pain I suffered through out the time. Her presence compensated everything.

"How does it feel to hold her in your arms?" Manik asked, tears leaked over the edge of my eyes after hearing his question. I still can't believe that this little girl in my arms belonged to me. I was her mother. No words can ever express my joy.

"I have no words to describe my feelings." I answered, a part of me couldn't believe she was actually in my arms, while the other part of me felt like I had known her my entire life.

"It's overwhelming, isn't it?" He confessed, the softness in his voice expressed his happiness. I pursued my lips as I didn't know how to express my feelings in words.

"It's cathartic and enthralling. It has to be the most surreal experience I've ever had." I said.

"I felt the same, she's so tiny like the size of my palm. She looks like you, she has a same complexion like you," he said, looking at her in awe, his mouth formed a big O shape. It was evident that he had never seen a new born baby. He was entranced by his gorgeous daughter and his longing eyes were staring at her without blinking.

"But her features are like you, her nose, eyes, jaw, I think she resembles you more." I commented. My eyes traced over her pale white features: the hard square of her jaw, the softer curve of her little lips - twisted up into a peaceful smile, the straight line of her nose, the sharp angle of her cheekbones, the smooth marble span of her forehead, all the features she had resembled to her father more. She indeed belonged to her father more.

"Surpriseeeeeee" Next moment we heard a roar of shouts. We turned back to find our families and friends standing near the door. All of them entered together carrying flowers, balloons and teddies.

"Okay, so the baby is finally here, oh my god I can't believe it." Mukti cheered up, excitedly.

"Mom, your grand daughter" I passed her to her grandmother. She picked her up in arms and cradled her a little.

"That's most beautiful gift someone ever gave it to me, thank you so much Nandini. I owe it to you." She admired her grandmother and kissed her on the forehead. Then she placed her in my Appa's arms. He looked at her with all the love and care. Both Di and mumma joined him in his happiness. My whole family was beaming in felicity. The little one manage to bring happiness in everyone's with her mere presence.

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