Chapter 32

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I stared at my own reflection in the mirror when I was done with dressing up. I was surprised by my own standards. I looked stunning in the blue knee length dress. I left my hair open and laid it over one shoulder. The heels, the earnings and the bracelet added more stars in my beauty. I sat on the bed, my eyes glued to the entrance because we were going out for a dinner date and I wanted to make it special for him. I wanted him to see me in this avatar.

Oh how good it feels when your heart is at peace. It's been 3 months we became friends. So many things happened during this time.

However the first few days of our friendship were awkward because we didn't know what to say and how to deal with each other. We get along in serious matters, stayed by each other but in normal days we didn't get along. Silly fights were all we had, that was our thing, that's how we both are. It always turned out catty no matter how many times we tried approaching each other for a friendly talk but we end up asking normal questions like and the retort and sarcasm follow both of us like our tiny tail.

Sometimes we had normal conversations like but all of them ended with a silly fight.

"Come to the office soon"

"Good morning and good night wishes"

"What are you cooking" were the questions he asked in general.

If someone would have witnessed our bitter talks three months ago that person would have never believed that we could be friends.

Well that was the truth as always life throws something unexpected and you should be ready to accept it whether it is good or bad.

I remember those two days when Smurfy stayed in our house because Appa and mom went out and I was the only one who could look after him. I somehow convince him to keep Smurfy in our house when he didn't I threatened him that I would go and leave in my house for two days that too alone and the thought gave him jitters then he agreed but those two days were no less than hell for him.

Same day at night he was looking for a towel and he took it from a random chair and went into washroom. He came out and he wiping his hairs with the towel so carelessly. Next minute when I entered with Smurfy in my hand Smurfy started barking on him. I couldn't understand why he was barking on him without any reason. My popped out of their socket I found out that Manik was using his towel.

Then I told him that he used Smurfy's towel. He stood there still in shock gaping at Smurfy and then at towel. His head was spinning only at the mere thought of using Smurfy's towel. He held his hand with both of his hand and rushed inside the bathroom. He pukes his guts out and brushed his teeth more than 10 times. He took shower 5 to 6 times but nothing stratified him at all. In those two days he didn't came home and stayed in his cabin.

I pulled my phone out and dialed his number but to my dismay his phone was switched off. I called the receptionist and she told me that he's still in a meeting. I decide to wait for some more time.

I smiled warmly when I recalled all the moments we shared with each other.

One day when we fought with each other and he wanted to sort it out rather than calling me he went to the receptionist and ordered her to tell me that he wanted to see me in coffee house. She couldn't understand his orders and corrupted everything for me as she announced the news in the emergency mike which echoed in the entire office. I didn't know where to hide myself became all of them started teasing me. I got comments like "Romance at peak Nandini go go enjoy your time"

"Love in the air Nandini"

"Someone is missing Nandini" etc etc. Those wink and stares they were embarrassing but when I reached the cafe and the minute we started talking to each other all the anger I had inside me flew out of the window.

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