Chapter 35 (b)

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"Nandini, where are we going?" He asked, silence greeted him back

"Nandini, you are driving from last one hour and I asked you thousand times now for god sake tell me the truth" he asked again but still I continued to drive, right from the beginning of our journey he had try to gather the information but got nothing in return.

"Manik, have patience, I will tell you soon" I replied, he muttered something under his breath, too low for me to hear. From the look of his face, I understood that it was not something very complimentary. I continued to drive through the forest; it only took me one look over the bush to be certain that we were on the right route.

I halted the car in front of the building, he stared at it with curious eyes, and I climbed out of the car and opened the door for him. He shook his head and came out of the car.

"Child heaven orphanage" he read the board hanging on the top of the building, his voice almost inaudible.

"Not here, come with me" I turned back and dragged him towards the old building which was right in front of the orphanage.

"Are you sure about this building, Nandini" he looked towards the old building with incredulity. I stared at the old building; it looked like it would crumble any moment.

The outside of the old house was rectangle, but added on were curved portions that looked like towers with a roof top. The old house looked like a miniature fairy book castle. There was no glass on the windows but the walls were still firm. I knew the place was old enough but its worst conditions left me stunned; it would take a century to fix this house. Time had surely performed irreversible deeds on the building.

"Yes, I'm sure about this, let's go" I offered him my hand, with a smile.

He stood there for another moment, struggling with himself but he held my arm when I nudged him. Thankfully they were outside of the house so we didn't have to enter in the house. We climbed the stairs and reached on roof.

"Nandini, now tell me everything" He asked, his gaze fixed on me.

"Manik, stop asking a lot of questions, sit here, it's nice to sit here" I called him and without wasting another word he sat beside me. We sat on the roof top which had little boundaries surrounding covered with only cement and shining sparkling blue lights just a desert with the surface of sand underneath and the warmth of bodies, a simple roof with free thoughts, just a complete empty place to lie under the shining moon light, dark shadowed sky cascaded by the spell of stars, nothing but just the plain roof of the terrace.

"It's pretty dark and as far as I know you are scared of darkness, Nandini" he commented.

"I'm but this place, it has special place in my heart. Whenever I feel confuse or hurt I come here. It's my special place like you had that hill so it is mine"

"Okay it's your special place"

"Manik, whenever I feel like I don't know what I want in my life then I come here. There is so much peace in this air"

"That's true it is peaceful "he said. We sat there for a while, silence prevailed around us. I saw the twinkling stars, the moon nearby, and the utter darkness of the sky. In the pitch black, everything felt so serene and peaceful. It looked as if the sound of silence could heal everything.

"Manik, I just hope we have past that it doesn't matter what is going in your or my life phase and I can ask you whatever I want" I finally choose to break the silence.

"Yes that phase is gone; you can ask me whatever you want" He finished, his words gave me the comfort I was seeking for, I smiled at him.

"I have so many things to ask" My voice came out as a croak, barely audible.

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