Chapter 40

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"How my mum is doing?" I asked, encircling my arms around her body. She jerked her head back and found me leaning against the kitchen slab.

"Nandu, tu kab aayi." Her eyes wandered over my face, and warmth lit her eyes. She welcomed me with a broad smile.

"Bas abhi"

"Bataya kyu nahi" She pouted and beamed like an excited child and gave me a tight hug.

"Bata deti toh surprise kese deti or aap kitchen me kya kar rh ho as far as I know you were suppose to take rest mom." I asked, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Nandu, please don't give me another lecture, Yash has given me enough lectures last night. I can't spend my entire day on bed."

"Mom, let's go into your room."

"Thank god you came; I was anyways going to call you." A smile brightened her face and she squeezed my hand.

"Appa invited me."

"I know the reason behind your visit."

"What do you know?" My voice went weak.

Does she know everything?

"First you tell me what he has told you." She gaped at my face with questioning eyes.

"I don't know anything you are talking about." I gave her a clueless look and she looked at me with suspicion in her eyes, as if I was hiding something from her and she knew about it.

"Don't try to pretend Nandini I know he has already told you about Aaliya, Yash never keeps things away from you." She looked little upset maybe something happened between her and Appa.

"Mom I want to listen everything from your mouth." I said my voice careful, more measured. It was good that she started it now I had the lead. I can pretend and ask whatever I wanted to.

"I had a fight with Yash over Aaliya. I was talking to her from last few days and he caught me red handed." I was a little surprised by her sudden revelation.

"Nandini, she wants to come back and she is guilty for everything. She never loved Manik and she told me everything about him and the deal. I don't find her guilty in all this. I know what happened with you it was wrong but it wasn't her fault. It was your decision."

"Mom, I want to clarify one thing Manik wasn't wrong on his place. Di knew everything from the start, she had feelings for him but he never had anything for her. So we shouldn't blame Manik." I defended Manik because I didn't want her to misunderstand him. I know what happened between them was wrong but still he was always clear with her when it comes to his feelings. He never back stabbed anyone.

"Nandini, I'm not blaming Manik, Aaliya never tried to manipulate me, she genuinely told me everything and trust me I have nothing against Manik. You cannot impose love on someone so it's fine. She agreed and then she back stabbed him but it was a wrong decision and we all make wrong decisions." She paused for me to say something but I didn't so she continued.

"I miss her Nandini, I just want my daughter back but Yash is not ready to listen anything." Tears were rolling down her cheeks, my eyes softened as I heard her sniffle.

She seemed extremely disturbed.

"I just want my family back together and she is part of my family." She said, her brown eyes looked so helpless.

"Nandini, I know I'm being unfair to you but she is my daughter and I can't just let her go like this." She clasped both my hands in hers, her eyes shimmering with hope and longing. Me and Appa we were always close to each other but she had a bond with her daughter. In a way or other they were similar and loved each other till no end. I wouldn't say that she didn't love me or there was any difference between her and me. No she never treated me indifferently but still sometimes it's all about the bond you have with your child and I can't ignore the fact that she loves her more than me or any other thing in this world. I could see longing in her eyes for her daughter.

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