chapter 25(a)

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When I came back, I found him pacing the room back and forth. I ignored him and I directly moved towards the washroom.

"Nandini I was waiting for you" he said, I pulled the towel out from my cupboard. I stayed silent and he noticed my pale face, my face was bereft of any emotions. He moved away from me and I walked towards the washroom. I banged the door loudly. I stared at my own reflection in the mirror. I bit my inner cheek to stop myself from crying. I will have to hold myself together in front of him because I don't want him to see me crying. I threw water on my face. My fingers were trembling when I was trying to hold towel in my hand. I wiped it with the towel. The more I tried to forget everything the complicated it turned out to do the same.

"Nandini, listen to me, trust me Nandini I wasn't lying" he immediately walked towards me when I came out. I refused to meet his eyes and that irked him more. He held my chin and his gaze bore into mine.

"I don't want to talk to you Manik please leave me alone"

"But I can explain, don't take it in wrong way, I have bloody reason" He tried to justify but I didn't want to listen anything against my father.

"When I said I don't want to listen then I don't want to" I said with a straight face and I removed his hand from face. My words were as cold as ice, as hard as rock and as stiff as my body.

"Nandini You have to listen damn it! What you think of your father is not right, he is not what he seems like. I am telling you I heard it with my bloody ears, he was speaking to someone and talking about the tender that he will convince me to withdraw from the new project. He bloody used you, used US..... try to understand" I realized that there was no point in explaining things to him neither I wish to nor I have the energy. My father is not something like everyone thinks and I know that. I will one day for sure prove it to you, I have faith in him

"I don't believe you stop telling me anything I don't want to know, can we stop talking about it" It was my father who taught me to value myself. He told me that I was the most precious thing in his life. He would never sacrifice me over a deal and money.

"Nandini I, why can't you just understand"

"He said it to you that he can explain but you told him everything you snatched my father. I lost him because of you"

"He's is not worthy of you, families aren't suppose to be like this" He was a ticking time bomb. I hated hearing that and tried to defend my pride with everything I had standing my ground. Push me I'll push back.

"Now you will teach me things about family huh you don't know anything about family so stop teaching me"

"And yes just because you and your mother don't along doesn't mean you will think that all the relationships in this entire world revolves around give and take" He took a step back when I completed. It might have hit him hard but he should know how it feels to be hit on the most sensitive part you have. Part of me feels like I'm so harsh with him but another of me want to do this I need to let out this frustration. He closed his eyes and opened them again they were full of tears. He refused to blink and he didn't allow them to fall.

"Even if I try to be nice.. you give me the reason to.. forget it just forget it go to hell, I don't want to see you anymore" He said his voice broke and tears escaped from his eyes. He clenched his fist and I swallowed the bile that was rising in my throat. Next moment he dashed out of the room and closed the door with a loud thud.

I sat on the bed my head was spinning; I held my head in my palms. Whenever I think that everything is going fine in my life and slowly things will fall on their place. Now I'm starting to understand that this really is just the way he is, and he himself can't change it. I thought he could be different but I'm going to mark this one down as another lesson learned. I was a fool, in reality its my mistake. I thought maybe things could change between us, we could do it this way for a while and maybe something would click inside him and he would stop behaving in a way he does, but it can never happen, never as in never, he doesn't have anything to show, he is just a ruthless devil and he always be the same ruthless, heartless devil.

However, the only person I should really be punishing, who deserves a tough punishment is me, I should punish my heart for letting it get pulled through the ringer again. I should punish myself for letting it go on for so long. I should punish myself for allowing me to think that he could change himself or could be nice.

Whenever I think that we are getting along or whatever it is, I thought maybe he is guilty but he isn't it, he is still the same devil. Maybe it was his plan; maybe he was again trying to seek for revenge. Every time I think that we are moving forward he becomes the same devil he was, whenever I try to believe that he could be good, he is not what he shows, he has another side, a good one, the side his mother talks about but he always prove me wrong and I don't think so that I can do it anymore. I feel tired from this marriage and especially from him.

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