Chapter 70

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Manik's p.o.v.

I was tossing or turning over the bed, trying to sleep properly but sleep was far away from my reach. I kicked the covers off from my body and got to my feet. I came out in the balcony for some fresh air.

It wasn't my first sleepless night it was probably the 18th one, I never slept peacefully after her. Whenever I crawled into that massive bed, I feel like screaming.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and stared at the only message she sent me in three last weeks.

"Tomorrow is your daughter's naming ceremony.  Do come, she will wait for you."

My daughter, now she's 21 days old. I haven't seen her since so long, these 18 days without her were like a decayed for me, the longest and hardest time of my life.

I remember when first time, I took her in my arms. I just melted like a puddle. She was the most adorable thing on the whole planet. I was shivering from excitement while handling such a tiny human being. I was just in awe of the baby. I had nothing but admiration for her and the next moment she was gone. I couldn't even celebrate her presence.

Failure - it feels like a failure. I feel like a failure. I failed to save my baby and wife. I couldn't keep both of them with me.

My eyes automatically shut as her memory become more vivid. I didn't realize when I started sobbing.

Nandini's p.o.v.

The house was covered with flowers and entwined lights. Making it more beautiful. Dinner tables laid in the sleepless of the house. Flawlessly complimented the other things. Admiring the pretty ambience, I descendent the stairs with my daughters in my arms. She looked like a fairy, dressed in new clothes, her eyes lined with the kohl. A black spot was placed on her forehead, to ward off the evil eyes.

My eyes desperately searched the whole place, trying to find my husband but he was nowhere to be seen.

Soon the guest started filling the house. Everyone came to meet me and my daughter but I was continuously looking at the door, waiting for him to arrive. Will he come? I didn't invite him properly just one message and that was all. I thought he was angry at me. He never tried to contact me after that day.

Five minutes later both Mukti and Manik appeared. I looked at him and looked back at me, our eyes met. I took a minute to study his posture as he walked inside. My eyes raked over his body, he looked handsome, dressed in traditional Blue Kurta Pajama that enhanced his personality. His hairs looked a little dishevelled at the moment as if he'd been running his fingers through his hairs. There were dark circles under his eyes, a sign that described his sleep fewer nights. Manik moved away from his sister and joined his friends. I handed my baby to Aliya di and went to meet Mukti.

"Mukti, your mom, she didn't come," I said when I approached her.

"She had some important work Nandini." She answered with a straight face.

"Oh, she never talked to me after that day."

"Bhai never allowed her." She answered, ending the conversation there. I could make out that she was still angry at me for whatever I did.

"After, all you walked out on him. You shouldn't expect something else from him." She prodded. My smile dropped down at her rude comment.
She pursed a formal smile at me and excused herself.

"Nandini, come we have to start the ceremony." My mother called my name. I brushed my feelings aside and trudge towards her.

"Nandini beta, sit on the wooden chair so we can start the ceremony and where's your husband." Pries t asked. I occupied my sit with my daughter on my lap.

"Manik is here."

"Manik come join her. the " He came and sat beside me.

The priest started the ritual with prayers and mantra chanting in the presence of God. The priest performs the ritual with prayers to the Gods, Agni, the god the of fire, the elements, and the spirits of the ancestors. I could almost feel the change in the atmosphere because of holy and spiritual mantras.

The priest told me to perform the first ceremony.
I wetted her head with drops of water as a symbol of purifying her.

"Naming ceremony is supposed to be performed by the paternal aunt of the baby. Place her in her aunt's lap." Priest told, I passed the baby to Mukti. Priest checked her horoscope to find the letter of her name.

"According to her Nakshatra of the baby letter A is lucky for her." He announced flipping through the horoscope. 

"Letter 'A' what we should name her?"

"Arpita" my aunt suggested.

"No, it's too old. Avni?" Di refused and proposed another name.

"Anshika?" Someone from the relatives recommended.

"No, I want something unique for my niece, something which defines her."







Everyone from my family recommended names but Mukti didn't like it. She looked at her brother to suggest something.

"Aaral, it means flower, I think it defines her and it's unique too." His words were a soft whisper. Mukti rejoiced at his choice. She instantly agreed for the name and all of us like the name too.

"Aaral Malhotra, perfect name for her." She pronounced my daughter's name proudly. She whispered the chosen name in her ear three times.

"Now place the baby in the cradle." The priest told her. She put my baby in the cradle.  Her name was repeated for good efforts, rhyming verses and traditional songs played in the background. Everyone showered my baby with lots of gifts and blessings. After a while, people moved to the hall to enjoy the feast. The rest of the function went like this.

"Nandini, look at Manik. I'm noticing him since so long, he is just watching Aaral." Di nudged me. I gazed at Manik and he tore his eyes away from her. I passed through the guest and reached towards. He was surprised with my sudden appearance.

"Manik, your daughter." I gestured towards Aaral. He extended his hands to pick up his daughter but Appa stopped his hands in mid-air. I was shocked to see Appa there.

"Nandini, actually my friends wanted to see her. Give her to me."

"But Appa Manik" I protested, his brows creased in irritation.

"He can wait Nandini but my friends can't, they'll be leaving soon." He spoke harshly with so much dejection in his voice. I could sense his hatred for Manik glowing on his face. Appa glared at Manik and he returned it with a distant, cool expression. Appa took Aaral away from my hands and went towards his friends.

There was a moment of silence as I struggled to come up with a reply. I didn't know how to explain it to him. I had already done the worst with him and now I'm putting him through more.

"It's okay Nandini, your Appa is right. I can meet her later." He assured me and moved out of my side. He was gone before I could even comprehend what had happened.

I closed my eyes in an attempt to escape the fresh stab of pain. His casual behaviour pinched me more.  He was behaving like I don't exist for him anymore. I didn't know why but I felt betrayed. I know I walked out, I left him and I had no right to feel it but still, it hurt me to see him behaving so indifferently around me.

"Nandini, come here." My mother's call broke my reverie. I got to my feet and strolled in her direction.

Half an hour later Appa came back to me with sleeping Aaral in his hands. He told me that she's tired and need some rest. He suggested me to take her upstairs. I knew he was doing it purposely so he could keep Manik away from her. I didn't like his cold behaviour towards Manik. He was the father of my baby and he had all the rights to meet her.

"Nandini, what are you thinking?" He interrupted my thoughts. I received Aaral without another word and climbed the stairs. After reaching in my room I put her on the bed and went inside the washroom to freshen up myself. I sprinkled water on my face and wiped it off with the help of a towel.

I came out of the washroom after hearing Aaral's cry. My movements halted near the gate, I saw Manik trying to pacify her. She was sobbing in his arms and he was trying to calm her down. Soon her soft murmur turned into a full blown wail. Manik panicked at the sound of her loud cries. He tried to coax her by taking her to different places of the room but she was too little to register her surroundings.

"Manik" I called his name and turned around to look at me. Relief crossed his face and stepped towards me.

"Thank god Nandini you came. She's crying so badly and I don't understand what is wrong with her." He bought the baby near me and I picked her up.

I hummed softly and rubbed her little back in a soothing circular motion. I rocked her a little swaying from side to side while patting and rubbing her body. My touch calmed her down and she comfortably settled down in my arms.

"I was trying know what I mean... I didn't want to disturb her."

"It's okay. I understand. Manik why are you crying?"

"I couldn't see her crying." He answered wiping the tears out of his eyes.

"You can spend some time with her." I offered.

"No, she'll start crying again." His words were a soft murmur.

"Relax, she won't." I comforted. He hesitantly took the baby out of my arms. He sat on the bed and I went to close the door. I locked the door and came back to join him. He spooned his daughter in his arms and cradled her softly. He kissed numerous times, the longing in his eyes vouched for his love. He stared at her Hundreds of times. He studied her little face, her beautiful eyes, the perfect bridge of her nose, her sweet tiny lips, through his fingers for a long time until every piece of her was committed to his memory. It hurt me to see them apart.

"Manik, what happened today, I apologize from Appa's side. He's angry and that's why he is reacting in this way. Please don't think that I'm trying to justify his actions. I know he is wrong and I'm sorry about it." I said with an edge of hysteria in my voice.

"I can understand that Nandini"

"No shouldn't understand. It's not something I'd appreciate. What he's doing is wrong." I protested, I understand he wasn't bothered about Appa and his behaviour but I was, it bothered me immensely when he tried to keep given daughter away from him. I somehow managed to hold my ground at that time. We were around so many people otherwise I would have given him back at that time only.

"You didn't react violently at that time, it's not so you, I'm surprised." The question was out of my mouth before I could stop it.

"Old Manik would have but I won't."

"Nandini, I understand the relationship you share with him. I share the same with my mother and you have given it to me. I have abused her all my life and it affected me deeply but now she's the first person I call whenever I need someone. I hold her hand whenever I need support in my life. I can share anything with her. She is always beside me. I feel safe in her arms. So now I know this feeling, I'm aware of it. I know how important your father is for you Nandini. I know how much he loves you and I respect his love. So I won't be doing something which will hurt him or you. Because I know you love him a lot and I can do anything for you."

"Toh tumhare papa ki do char gaaliyan Khana it's not a big deal for me." He chuckled at his statement.

We sat uncomfortable silence until Manik decided to break it off.

"Nandini we need to talk."

"About what?"

"About us"

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