Chapter 26

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It's been a week we fought with each other. . I wish there was something I could do to undo the happenings of the last few last days. I tried talking to my Appa but he never picked my calls and even if he did he just showed no trace of emotions. I tried talking to my mom, she was angry with me but when I apologized she forgive me. Me and Manik we never talked to each other after the fight. We had few conversations in office about business deals and project but nothing personal. He never tried talking to me, he never tried troubling me, no personal conversations, no plans, no fights nothing at all. I could have easily deal with his anger but dealing with his silence was hard enough. He never gave me a chance and I never tried making a move, maybe this time I hit him below the belt and he was in no mood to forgive me easily.

I know the thought of losing his sister created havoc in his mind and it can drive him crazy. His entire world revolves around her only.

"Madam please come out something has happened" Shyam familiar voice pulled me out my thoughts.

I came out after hearing voices, multiple voices rang out across the lawn. I was shocked when Mukti came out from Appa's car. She was in a half conscious state and behind them are television crews with their cameras. All of them climbed out of their car. I looked around to see media and people gathering there, all the eyes were on her. Everybody in the lawn was staring at her silently. She gazed down at the floor, unable to lift her head.

"Miss Malhotra last night police caught you in a raid what were you doing there?" One reporter babbled, stepping in front of her. I looked at her; I couldn't believe the scene I was witnessing.

"Miss Malhotra what do you want to say about it" Another reporter asked her but she stayed quiet.

"Miss Malhotra say something" Reporter from the Times of India promptly focused his camera on her face.

"Please leave her alone" Appa hissed cutting her off, she stepped back and he wrapped his hand around Mukti's shoulder. He entered inside the house without turning his back towards the press.

"Appa what happened to her?" I asked but he didn't reply, I glanced at Mukti, she was biting her lower lip roughly. I went into the freeze mode, my brain reeling with questions. Why? How? What happened to her? I wanted to know the answers but she wasn't in a state of answering anything I wanted to ask. So I stayed silent and concentrated on the next step.

"She needs sometime I'm taking her upstairs" He told me and nodded. He climbed the stairs and I pulled my phone out of my purse. My hands were trembling and my heart was pounding in my chest when I dialed his number. His picked it up in fourth ring.

"What do you want?" He hissed over the phone.

"Manik, Mukti she..she needs you" I couldn't recognize my own voice as I force the words out of my mouth.

"What happened to her" He asked, I can sense panic in his voice.

"She needs you right now, come home" I replied, I couldn't speak beyond that.

"But what happened"

"I can't tell you right now but please come soon" I tried to control the rising fear in my voice.

"Okay I'm coming" He said and hangs up on me.

"Breaking News Right now I'm standing in the lawn of Malhotra Mansion do you know why? Let me tell you because last night Business tycoon Manik Malhotra's sister Mukti Malhotra was caught by police in club 9 and we wish to know more about story. If you want to know about it then stay tuned and keep watching our channel soon I will be back with answers" I saw the reporter recording the message live on her camera. She was trying to dig more information about the incident and I realized that the cameras have been running ever since they arrived.

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