Chapter 27

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I opened the main door after hearing door bell.

"Nandini" he called my name just the sight of him stunned me a little. I wanted him to come inside and I wanted to ask where he was all this while but I stayed silent and he stayed where he was, I stepped back and he entered inside the house. He climbed the stairs and I watched him silently.

"Nandini I want to talk to you please" he said and I follow him upstairs.

He closed the door and twisted the door knob when we came inside. He sat on the bed and I just stood there like an idiot.

"You were right" He looked at me as if he was waiting for me to say something.

"About what" I asked, completely uninterested. I didn't have time for his anger and I can't handle his tantrums anymore.

"About everything but still I can't do it, I can't do what you want" It didn't took me a moment to understand that he was talking about his sister because I wanted him to talk to her.

"But why" I questioned. He struggled for a few moments and then he continued.

"Because I can't see her in pain Nandini I can't take it, I don't know the reason behind her condition but trust me I don't want to know because I can't take it, I can't do it" He paused, looked down and then back at my face. His gaze was piercing. I felt something pricked my heart, I felt some kind of connection with his pain. As if I can feel it in my heart. I couldn't remember the last time I had actually felt something like this.

"I was five years old when dad placed her in my arms. She was little, tiny and I still remember what he told me that time. He said Manik she is your baby sister, it's your duty you will have to protect her. She is your responsibility. I still remember but I failed miserably. I couldn't protect her. It's my fault Nandini. It's my fault" He confessed, I wanted to comfort him the moment he confessed but words died on my lips. I looked down towards his hands, they were trembling. I know how hard it was for him. His sister was the weakest point he had, the only person he loves more than anything, more than his own life.

"Manik not all the time you can protect her and it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself" It was all I could manage to say at that time.

"No it is, it is my fault" His eyes turned soft, his voice was nothing more than a painful whisper.

"It isn't" he stared at my face for a while, my thoughts racing a mile per minute, part of me wanted to leave him alone because I didn't know what more to say but another one wanted to comfort him so I stayed rooted on my spot.



"Can I hold you...I just want someone to hold me" he asked in a tone that lacked confidence. I looked at him; his eyes were filled with so much hope and pain as well. I comforted him through my gaze. Before I change my mind I held his hand and he encircled his arms around my body, one around my waist and another around my nape. He rubbed his hands against my body and let out a deep breath. I pulled him close and he tightened his grip on me. He moved his hand up and down, leaving a trail of goose bumps on my skin. My heart started beating wildly against his chest when he squeezed my body against his.

Through his heart beat I can feel the storm which was brewing inside him. I rubbed his back and he pulled me close. I buried my face in his chest. He rested his chin on my shoulder.

When we broke the hug, he held my palms for support.

"You will be fine and you can do this...I..I..I'm there for you" I said he frowned at me for a moment before smoothing out his expression. He grabbed my hair strand and gently pushed it behind my ear.

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